


The procedure of writing and submitting the manuscript in Technology and Economics Law Journal (TELJ) is as follows:

General Guidelines

  1. The contributor must submit an article which has not previously been published on any publications and the article should not contain any plagiarism.
  2. The manuscript can be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia with approximately 5.000 – 10000 Words (Excluding the references), on a A4 Size paper, with the Cambria font, 12pt size, and 1.5 space. Each paragraph is indented by 0.5 cm. The margin for each side (right, left, up, down) is 2.01 cm). For English written manuscript, the article must pass early editing process by third-party editor before submitting to TELJ.
  3. TELJ has 2 types of manuscript that Author should follow which are Original Research Article and Opinion/Conceptual Article:
    • Original Research article (5000 to 10000 words, excluding references). A full length original empirical research, mainly following this order: introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and references, an accurate description of research and an objective and comprehensive discussion of the results are highly encouraged
    • Opinion/Conceptual article (5000 to 10000 words, excluding references). A commentary, analysis, and argument on a specified issue, reliable and accountable data and its valid sources are highly encouraged, mainly following this order: introduction, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgement and references.


Primarily to facilitate scholarly and professional discussions over current developments and dynamic challenges on commercial and technology law issues in Indonesia.

Manuscript Preparation


Title describes the problems expressed which written shortly, concisely and clearly. Tittle must be written by capital letters, center text, Cambria, 14 size -font, Bold Letters.

Author’s name writing:

Author written in Cambria, 12 size font with bold letters, if author more than one person, writing author: Author name1 and co Author name2 . Qualifications of the author.


Abstract should contain short description from the whole of articles substance. It is written in italic latter, 10 size font, Cambria type character, single spaced. The number words of abstract between 150 up to 250 which written in one paragraph with column.


The keywords consist of 5 words/phrases, must be written alphabetically and Capitalized first word. Each keyword separated by semicolon (;). The keywords must show the essential points of the article. The word “Keywords” in Bold.


  1. Manuscript must be written in Cambria font type, 12pt size, 1.5 line spacing.
  2. Headings and sub-heading should be in Capital Letter and in bold, 12pt size (e.g. INTRODUCTION). Headings and sub-headings should be numbered by;
    • First level: Arabic numerals (1,2,3…);
    • Second level: Alphabets in uppercase (A,B,C,…);
    • Third level: roman numerals in Uppercase (I, II, III, …;
    • Fourth level: Alphabets in lowercase (a,b,c,…);
    • Fifth level: roman numerals in lowercase (I,ii,iii,…);
  3. First line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 cm, with single space between paragraphs.


TELJ used Endnotes rather than footnotes. Endnotes must be written in the end of sentence. The citation should be in following style: (Makarim, 2019), (Sardjono, 2014), (Ashworth & Horder, 2013), (Masciandaro et al., 1999)


The references should be written in the end of the articles. Title “REFFERENCE”, written in Cambria, 12, and in bold. The references written in Cambria font, 12pt size, 1.5 line spacing and indent on the second line of each reference. If the sources are varied, it should be put into groups:

  1. Books;.
  2. Journal Articles;
  3. Legal documents;
  4. Websites

The references arranged in alphabetical order.

Please use American Psychological Association (APA) Citation and Reference style system for endnotes and references as sampled below:


Agus Sardjono.(2014).Pengantar Hukum Dagang. Jakarta: DRC, FHUI, & PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

Eric Baskind.(2013).Commercial Law.London: Oxford University Press.

Williams, G. L., & Baker, D. J. (1983). Textbook of criminal law (Vol. 231). London: Stevens

Yetty Komalasari Dewi.(2011).Pemikiran Baru Tentang Commanditaire Vennotschap (CV): Studi               Perbandingan KUHD Dan WvK Serta Putusan Pengadilan Indonesia Dan Belanda. Depok:               Badan Penerbit FHUI

Yunus Husein. (2018). Tipologi dan Perkembangan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang. Depok: Raja               Grafindo Press

Journal Article

Eugenia Omarini A. (2018). Peer to Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis And The Platform Dilemma.                International Journal of Finance, Economic, and Trade, 3(2), 31-41.

Ifa Latifa Fitriani. (2017). "Jaminan dan Agunan dalam Pembiayaan Bank Syariah dan Kredit Bank               Konvensional.” Jurnal Hukum dan Pembangunan 47 No. 1, p. 134-149.

Marius Schneider. (2019). “Intellectual Property Rights, The New Currency.” Journal of Intellectual               Property Law and Practice Vol. 14 No. 11, p. 825-826.

Prani Sastiono Dan Chaikal Nuryakin. (2019). "Inklusi Keuangan Melalui Program Layanan Keuangan               Digital Dan Laku Pandai." Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia, 19(2).

Julapa Jagtiania, Kose John. (2018). "Fintech: The Impact on Consumers and Regulatory Responses."               Journal of Economics and Business, 100(1), 1-6.


Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore. “Overview of ACRA.”               https://www.acra.gov.sg/who-we-are/overview-of-acra

Haryono,Erwin.“BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate Tetap 3,50%: Sinergi Menjaga Stabilitas dan               Memperkuat Pemulihan."https://www.bi.go.id/id/publikasi/ruang-media/news-release/Pages-               /sp_2330421.aspx Accessed 14 December 2021

International Finance Corporation World Bank Group. "Blockchain in Financial Services in Emerging               Markets Part I: Current Trends". https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/a3559b7c-19b7-4f8d-               94be30d1cf7e172b/EMCompass+Note+43+FINAL+821.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=1U51Cxz

Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia. "Harmonisasi Pleno PRP tentang               Besaran Bagian Premi untuk Pendanaan Program Restrukturisasi Perbankan".               https://ditjenpp.kemenkumham.go.id/kegiatan-umum/3484-harmonisasi-pleno-rpp-tentang-               besaran-bagian-premi-untuk-pendanaan-program-restrukturisasi-perbankan.html

Kok Chee Wai, Mark Hudspeth, Aloysius. “Lending and Taking Security in Singapore: Overview”.               https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/8-636-4293?_lrTS=20171231043921086&-               transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&firstPage=true&bhcp=1

Legal Documents

Bank Indonesia. Central Bank Regulation Number 14/15/PBI/2012 Regarding Commercial Banks Assets               Quality Asessment.

Indonesia. Law Number 7 of 1992 as Amendment by Law Number 10 of 1998 on Banking Law.

Court Decision

Indonesia District Court. Decision No. 136/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Byw, Putusan PN Banyuwangi, PT. Pegadaian               Persero.

Indonesia Constitutional Court. Decision No. 64/PUU-X/2012. Pengujian Undang-Undang Nomor 10               Tahun 1998 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan               [review on Law Number 7 of 1992 as Amendment by Law Number 10 of 1998 on Banking Law].

Indonesia Supreme Court. Decision No. 2914K/PDT/2019, Hadi Abdul Djalal. Ike Yulistyowati vs.Bank               Perkreditan Rakyat Semeru Swasti.

For other sources than the sampled above, please refer to American Psychological Association (APA) Style https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples