

Betel leaf has long been proven and widely used in Indonesia for its antibacterial activities. Betel leaf 80% ethanolic extract has high compatibility to be made as a widely used pharmaceutical product, including spray. In 2014 American Podiatric Medical Association, studied a significant increase of foot odor prevalence between our citizens. One of the reasons of foot odor is caused by bacteria, mostly by Bacillus subitilis. This study focused on creating a pharmaceutical product with a strong antibacterial that showed minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) towards bacteria that caused foot odor. Spray product was chosen because of the great pleasant experience for the user. The study tested various concentrations of betel leaf 80% ethanolic extract, to study its antibacterial activity. Furthermore, stability testing towards its physical property on 8-week storage in three different temperature; room temperature (28±2 ºC), high temperature (40±2 ºC), and low temperature (4±2 ºC), was also conducted. All formulae showed great physical stability profile on organoleptic parameters. Betel leaf 80% ethanolic extract, in the Formula 3 showed minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) in 2 mm area with the Formula that contained ≥ 2 mg/ml ethanolic extract.

Bahasa Abstract

Daun sirih telah lama terbukti dan banyak digunakan di Indonesia untuk aktivitas antibakterinya. Ekstrak etanol 80% daun sirih memiliki kompatibilitas tinggi untuk dijadikan produk farmasi, termasuk sediaan semprot (spray). Pada tahun 2014, American Podiatric Medical Association, mempelajari peningkatan prevalensi bau kaki yang signifikan pada masyarakat. Salah satu alasan bau kaki disebabkan oleh bakteri, terutama oleh Bacillus subitilis. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk menciptakan produk farmasi dengan sifat antibakteri kuat yang dapat menunjukkan minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) terhadap bakteri penyebab bau kaki. Produk semprot (spray) dipilih karena menyenangkan bagi pengguna. Penelitian ini menguji berbagai konsentrasi ekstrak etanol daun sirih 80%, untuk mempelajari aktivitas antibakterinya. Selain itu, pengujian stabilitas fisik pada penyimpanan 8 minggu dalam tiga suhu berbeda; suhu kamar (28 ± 2 ºC), suhu tinggi (40 ± 2 ºC), dan suhu rendah (4 ± 2 ºC), juga dilakukan. Semua formula stabil secara fisik yang didasarkan pada parameter organoleptik. Ekstrak etanol 80% daun sirih dalam Formula 3 menunjukkan minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) di daerah 2 mm, dengan formula yang mengandung ekstrak ethanolic ≥ 2 mg/ml.



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