

Background. Indonesia is one of the countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The elderly are the most severely affected group due to the severity/morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 disease. West Aceh Regency is one of the red zone areas with confirmed cases of COVID-19. Aim. This study aims to analyze the COVID-19 prevention behavior in the elderly group. Method. This type of research was descriptive-analytic with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used total sampling. The data collection used a questionnaire instrument. This study's data analysis used three univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses. Results. The results showed that 69.8% of the elderly had less Perceived Susceptibility but had good COVID-19 prevention. 64.7% of the elderly with good Perceived Severity but have less prevention. 63.6% of respondents have good Perceived Benefits and good COVID-19 prevention. 69.1% of respondents have fewer Perceived Barriers but have good COVID-19 prevention and 69.1% have good Cues to action plus good COVID-19 prevention. The dominant factors are Perceived Severity (OR value 2.77) and Perceived Barriers (OR value of 2.76). Conclusion. Health Belief Model could lead to behavioral change to prevent the potential for COVID-19 among the elderly.


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Bahasa Abstract

Latar Belakang. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara terjangkit pandemi COVID-19. Lansia merupakan kelompok yang paling beresiko mengalami keparahan/morbiditas dan mortalitas akibat penyakit COVID-19. Kabupaten Aceh Barat merupakan salah satu daerah zona merah terkonfirmasi kasus COVID-19. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku pencegahan COVID-19 pada kelompok lansia. Metode. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif analitik, dengan pendekatan secara kuantitatif. Teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument kuesioner. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tiga analisis yaitu univariat, bivariat, multivariat. Hasil. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terdapat 69,8% lansia dengan Perceived Susceptibility kurang namun memiliki preventif COVID-19 baik. 64,7% lansia dengan Perceived Severity baik namun memiliki preventif kurang. 63,6% responden memiliki Perceived Benefits sekaligus preventif COVID-19 baik. 69,1% responden yang Perceived Barriers kurang namun memiliki preventif COVID-19 baik dan 69,1% memiliki Cues to action baik ditambah Preventif COVID-19 baik. Faktor yang paling dominan untuk dapat digunakan dalam preventif COVID-19 adalah Perceived Severity dengan nilai OR: 2,77 dan Perceived Barriers dengan nilai OR: 2,76. Kesimpulan. Health Belief Model dapat menyebabkan perubahan perilaku dalam mencegah potensi COVID-19 di kalangan lansia.
