

What part of democracy is the most frequently an issue in a democratic country? It is freedom and equality. This book contains a collection of articles that repeat more or less the same questions. Likewise, the answer is still around the problems of freedom (speech, politics, opinion, competition, power, press, expression.) and equality (law, social rights, and other aspects.). The difference is in its perspectives and cases, as it differs in place, condition, and time.


Aminuddin, Faishal, and Wahyu Prasetyawan (Ed.). 2021. Pasang Surut Demokrasi: Refleksi Politik Indonesia 1999-2019. Depok: LP3ES.

Davidson, Jamie. 2018. Indonesia: Twenty Years of Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Power, Thomas, and Eve Warburton. 2020. Democracy in Indonesia: From Stagnation to Regression? Singapore: ISEAS Publishing.

Wijayanto, Aisah P. B., and Herlambang P. Wiratraman (Ed.). 2021. Demokrasi Tanpa Demos. Depok: LP3ES dan Universitas Diponegoro.
