

The University of Indonesia (UI), Gerhard Mercator University (GMU), the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) have agreed to cooperate as partners to develop a joint bachelor (3+1) and masters (1+1) degree, and collaborate in the research fi elds of multimedia- and internet-based learning and application level active networks. This paper describes the introduction of the Offshore Project and the extending of information technology applications to the partner institutions in this international cooperation which would very much enhance the operations of the new initiative in engineering education, which could provide students in far distance with more fl exible learning environment.

Bahasa Abstract

Universitas Indonesia (UI), Gerhard Mercator University (GMU) dan University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) bekerjasama untuk mengembangkan program bersama tingkat sarjana (3+1) dan magister (1+1) serta berkolaborasi di bidang riset pengajaran ilmu teknik berbasis multimedia dan internet dan riset di bidang application level active networks. Paper ini menjelaskan pelaksanaan Offshore Project dan pengembangan aplikasi teknologi informasi untuk meningkatkan inovasi di bidang pengajaran ilmu teknik yang akan menyediakan linkungan belajar berbasis multimedia dan internet yang lebih fl eksibel kepada mahasiswa.


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