

Neutron diffraction study on the 0.6NiFe2O4/0.4BaTiO3 multiferroic composite has been carried out. The 0.6NiFe2O4/0.4BaTiO3 multiferroic composites have been synthesized by solid reaction method. In this study, 20 g of BaTiO3 (BTO) and 20 g of NiFe2O4 (NFO) compounds were prepared from the powder raw materials of BaO3 and TiO2 for BTO, and NiO and Fe2O3 for NFO. Furthermore, both BTO and NFO were each crushed for 5 hours using High Energy Milling (HEM). Then the BTO and NFO were calcined in the furnace at 950 °C/5 hours and 900 °C/5 hours, respectively. Both NFO and BTO precursors were manually mixed with a weight percent ratio of NFO:BTO was 100:0, 60:40, and 0:100, hereinafter referred to NFO, NFO/BTO, and BTO, respectively. Then the three samples were pressed into pellets. The pellets were then sintered at 1150 °C/5 hours with a heating rate of about 44.8 °C/min. Once cooled to room temperature within the furnace it was obtained NFO, BTO, and NFO/BTO multiferroic composite. The magnetic properties of the material were observed with the aid of the Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) instrument. The nuclear structure of BTO, and the magnetic structure of NFO, and NFO/BTO multiferroic composite were determined by neutron diffraction technique using the high resolution powder neutron diffractometer. The cations arrangement of NFO was obtained by whole pattern fitting with the Rietveld method based on neutron diffraction data using FullProf software. The cations arrangement was obtained by refining the occupancy of individual cation at tetrahedral and octa-hedral sites. The results of the analysis show that both NFO and 0.6NFO/0.4BTO samples have a mixed spinel structure, it means that there are cations of Ni2+ and Fe3+ on A-site and B-site. In NFO sample, the cations distribution among the A-site and B-site of NiFe2O4 is [Ni0.002Fe0.852][Ni0.006Fe0.862]2O4. The cations distribution among the A-site and B-site of NiFe2O4 in 0.6NFO/0.4BTO samples is [Ni0.0250Fe0.8975] [Ni0.012Fe0.950]2O4. So, the effect of adding BTO as a composite is to increase Ni2+ occupancy by 12.5 times on A-site and 2 times on B-site. The magnetic moment of mul-tiferroic 0.6NFO/0.4BTO composite is 2.4(5) μB same as one of NFO. The BTO content in the composite has caused ten-sile strains induced into the NFO lattice, and at the same time, tensile strains of NFO caused the compressive strain on the c lattice of BTO even though the unit cell volume of BTO is also increasing from 64.100(5) to 64.374(6) Å3.

Bahasa Abstract

Studi Difraksi Neutron pada Komposit Multiferroic 0,6NiFe2O4/0,4BaTiO3. Telah dilakukan studi difraksi neutron pada komposit multiferroic 0,6NiFe2O4/0,4BaTiO3. Komposit multiferroic 0,6NiFe2O4/ 0.4BaTiO3 disintesis dengan metode reaksi padat. Dalam studi ini, 20 g senyawa BaTiO3 (BTO) dan 20 g NiFe2O4 (NFO) dibuat dari bahan baku bubuk BaO3 dan TiO2 untuk BTO, dan NiO dan Fe2O3 untuk NFO. Selanjutnya, BTO dan NFO masing-masing digerus selama 5 jam menggunakan High Energy Milling (HEM). Kemudian BTO dan NFO dikalsinasi dalam tungku masing-masing pada 950 °C/5 jam dan 900 °C/5 jam. Prekursor NFO dan BTO dicampurkan secara manual dengan perbandingan persen berat NFO:BTO adalah 100:0, 60:40, dan 0:100, selanjutnya disebut berturut-turut NFO, NFO/BTO, dan BTO. Kemudian ketiga cuplikan itu masing-masing ditekan menjadi pelet. Pelet selanjutnya disinter pada 1150 °C/5 jam dengan laju pemanasan sekitar 44,8 °C/menit. Setelah didinginkan hingga suhu kamar dalam tungku, maka diperoleh NFO, BTO, dan komposit multiferroic NFO/BTO. Sifat magnetik material diamati dengan bantuan instrumen Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM). Struktur nuklir BTO, dan struktur magnetik NFO, dan komposit multiferroic NFO/BTO ditentukan dengan teknik difraksi neutron menggunakan difraktometer neutron serbuk resolusi tinggi. Distribusi kation NFO diperoleh dengan metode analisis Rietveld menggunakan perangkat lunak FullProf berdasarkan data difraksi neu-tron. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan penghalusan faktor hunian kation-kation di situs tetrahedral dan okta-hedral. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa cuplikan NFO dan 0,6NFO/0,4BTO memiliki struktur spinel tercampur, itu berarti ada kation Ni2+ dan Fe3+ baik pada situs-A maupun situs-B. Dalam cuplikan NFO, distribusi kation pada situs-A dan situs-B fasa NiFe2O4 adalah [Ni0,002Fe0,852] [Ni0,006Fe0,862]2. Distribusi kation pada situ-A dan situs-B fasa NiFe2O4 dalam cuplikan 0,6NFO/0,4BTO adalah [Ni0,0250Fe0,8975] [Ni0,012Fe0,950]2. Jadi, efek penambahan BTO sebagai komposit adalah meningkatkan hunian Ni2+ sebesar 12,5 kali di situs-A dan 2 kali pada situs-B. Momen magnetik komposit 0,6NFO/0,4BTO multiferroic adalah 2,4 (5) μB sama dengan momen magnetik pada NFO. Kandungan BTO dalam komposit telah menyebabkan regangan tarik yang diinduksikan ke dalam kisi NFO, dan pada saat yang sama, regangan tarik NFO menyebabkan regangan tekan pada kisi BTO walaupun volume sel satuan BTO juga meningkat dari 64,100(5) hingga 64,374(6) Å3.


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