

There are losses of production due to oil palm field’s material handling. Activities that may raise the losses are harvesting and transportation, which may cause bruise and damage to fruit. This research was aimed to learn the bruise of fresh fruit bunch (FFB) phenomenon in harvesting and transportation. Method used in this research was measuring the bruise area resulted by FFB falling when harvested, loading (throwing up) FFB to truck bin, and transporting using truck. These data, coupled with weight of bruised fruit, were calculated to get FFB bruise index. Each FFB bruise index is related to potential free fatty acid (FFA) value. FFA is one of important quality indicator of crude palm oil. The harvesting was conducted at mineral land and peat land, and the loading and transportation was conducted using wooden board truck and dump (iron board) truck. There was a difference between bruise index and FFA of FFB fall on mineral and on peat land. FFA of mineral land harvesting was 2.19% while of peat land was 1.27%. It was obvious that fruit quality degradation was higher when FFB positioned at the bottom of bin truck layer rather than at the top. FFA of truck bin bottom layer was 2.79% while of top layer was 0.64%. It was found that there was a cumulative bruise on FFB within material handling, start from harvesting, loading up to truck bin, and transporting from field to loading ramp.

Bahasa Abstract

Dampak Hubungan antara Penyalur dan Produsen terhadap Kinerja Rantai Pasokan Industri Manufaktur di Indonesia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara komitmen, komunikasi, kepuasan, kepercayaan, serta kualitas hubungan antara penyalur dan produsen dan kinerja rantai pasokan. Populasi di dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia. Responden di dalam penelitian ini adalah pejabat-pejabat eksekutif tertinggi, sekretaris-sekretaris perusahaan, atau manajer-manajer yang ditunjuk dan terlibat di dalam proses pembuatan kebijakan strategis perusahaan. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik sampel acak wilayah proporsional. Structural equation modeling (SEM) atau pemodelan persamaan struktural digunakan di dalam analisis. Hasil dari pemeriksaan langsung atau pun tidak langsung terhadap hipotesis-hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa dua hipotesis bersifat positif dan berdampak signifikan, sedangkan sembilan hipotesis bersifat positif tetapi berdampak tidak signifikan. Dua hipotesis yang bersifat positif dan berdampak signifikan itu adalah dampak langsung dari kepercayaan terhadap kinerja alur persediaan dan dampak langsung dari kualitas hubungan antara penyalur dan produsen terhadap kinerja alur persediaan.


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