MAKARA Journal of Technology is a scientific peer-reviewed journal publishing original articles on new knowledge and research or research application with current issues in technology. The journal provides a broad-based or multidisciplinary forum for the publication and sharing of ongoing research and development in engineering and technology.
Indexed in: SINTA (Science and Technology Index); Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); ASEAN Citation Index (ACI); Google Scholar; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); EBSCOhost.
Current Issue: Volume 28, Issue 1 (2024)
Thermal Performance Investigation of Thermoelectric Cooling System with Various Hot-Side Cooling Methods
Bowo Y. Prasetyo, Parisya P. Rosulindo, and Fujen Wang
Secured Blockchain and Fractional Discrete Cosine Transform-based Framework for Medical Images
Abhay Kumar Yadav and Virendra P. Vishwakarma
Experimental Analysis Study Wave Drift Force of Moored Floating Production Units (FPU)
Arifin Rifliansah and Wibowo Harso Nugroho
Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Compressive Strength Test of Recycled Aggregate Concrete using Digital Image Correlation
Bastian Okto Bangkit Sentosa, Joshua Ferdinand, and Nuraziz Handika
Hybrid Method Neighbor Node Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Framework
Sagar Mekala, Shahu Chatrapati Kaila, and Jyothi Rani Matang