This paper was a survey carried out to identify the challenges of teaching Fine Arts in Federal Government Colleges in Adamawa State, Nigeria. The hypothesis is HO1: There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of teachers and students on the challenges of teaching Fine Arts in these colleges. The research instrument was made up of a questionnaire which was divided into two sections with parts I to III. The Colleges studied were Federal Government College-Ganye, Federal Government Technical College- Michika and Federal Government Girls’ College- Yola. Eighteen Fine Arts’ teachers and ninety students were purposively sampled. Statistical mean was used to answer the research questions, while t- test was employed to test the null hypothesis. The findings revealed that, among the fifteen items on the questionnaire, all with the exception of one were accepted as the challenges involved in the teaching of Fine Arts in Federal Government Colleges in Adamawa State, Nigeria. Based on the findings, recommendations were made for improvement, which includes: Qualified and competent Fine Arts teachers only should be employed to teach the subject in Federal Government Colleges, throughout the State. Lastly, the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria should provide relevant facilities and equipment to aid the teaching of the subject in all Federal Government Colleges across the State.
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Recommended Citation
Yahaya, Muhammad Sani; Waziri, Mohammadu Yahaya; and Abubakar, Nasruddeen
"The Challenges of Teaching Fine Arts in Federal Government Colleges in Adamawa State, Nigeria,"
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan: Vol. 7:
1, Article 2.
DOI: 10.7454/jsht.v7i2.1133
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