
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan


The potential of Jakarta as a tourist attraction, particularly in urban tourism, continues to expand in line with the city's unceasing developments. Consequently, the Jakarta Provincial Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf) has implemented a program to establish Jakarta as an appealing and competitive urban tourism destination within the region. To achieve this vision, the government issued a mandate under Regional Strategic Activities (KSD) No. 70 regarding the Development of Jakarta Tourism Areas/Destinations, focusing primarily on the activation of urban tourism across the five municipalities of Jakarta. For North Jakarta, the designated area is the Pluit-Muara Angke area. This paper explores the identification of the Pluit-Muara Angke area as an urban tourism destination through a placemaking approach, where local communities and their activities are central to the development of the area into a tourist destination. The study employs observation, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and desk research for data collection. The research method utilized in this paper is qualitative research. The findings indicate that the Pluit-Muara Angke area holds significant potential as an urban tourism destination, but several issues need to be addressed, particularly accessibility, tourist facilities, and cleanliness. Local communities in this area are also seeking the involvement and cooperation of all relevant agencies, especially the Agency of Tourism and Creative Economy.


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