
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan


Yogyakarta has about 17 tourist villages, each with its own unique potential as a tourist attraction. One of them is Warungboto Tourism Village, a village in the city of Yogyakarta that is currently used as a tourist destination, featuring four primary concepts: learning, art, culture, and history. However, as the village is relatively unknown due to a lack of promotion by its management. The local government and related tourism agencies should assist in promoting Warungboto Tourism Village as a tourist attraction. This promotion could help diversify tourist experiences and combat tourist fatigue, enhancing the appeal alongside other tourism sites. Additionally, creativity and innovation in promotion by the village’s managers are necessary to increase tourist visits and improve the income of the MSMEs community in the Warungboto Tourism Village area . Therefore, this study aims to identify the potential, opportunities, obstacles, and challenges in promoting tourism in Warungboto Tourism Village. To achieve this goal, in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders were conducted. The analysis results show that Warungboto Tourism Village currently relies on promotion through "word of mouth" from event visitors and activities on social media. Collaboration with stakeholders is one of the key success factors, while low community participation is an inhibiting factor. Hence, this study provides several practical recommendations to increase tourist visits to the village.


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