
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan


As the epicenter of Indonesia's government and economy, Jakarta is expected to spearhead the growth of the tourism industry. To meet this expectation in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and the era of digitalization, Jakarta’s tourism sector must be bolstered by various ICT applications. These applications are crucial for enhancing both the city's tourism competitiveness and the visitor experience. The concept of a "Smart Tourism City" has gained traction as a means to achieve these objectives. This concept focuses on smart tourist governance in terms of attractiveness, accessibility, readiness for digitalization, sustainability, and fostering partnerships. This study aims to explore national strategies through interviews with four key informants from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The results indicate that the ministry has adopted three primary strategies. First, they are developing strategies and a policy framework for the integration of technology into the tourism sector. This involves creating guidelines and regulations to support digital transformation within tourism services and operations. Second, the ministry emphasizes the importance of collaboration with various stakeholders, including government bodies, private sector entities, local communities, and international partners, to create a supportive ecosystem for smart tourism initiatives. Lastly, the ministry focuses on establishing and utilizing digital infrastructure in tourist destinations. This includes deploying high-speed internet, digital payment systems, and other smart technologies to enhance the tourist experience. By implementing these strategies, Jakarta aims to lead as a smart tourism city, leveraging technology to boost its tourism industry while ensuring sustainability and an improved experience for visitors.


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