
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan


Financial literacy in developing countries sometimes does not rely solely on effective campaign capabilities. Cognitive abilities, trust and understanding of financial literacy hamper the expansion of various financial-related programs in various regions that are not touched by financial institutions. Operations that are not on target high interest is also one of the reasons why people cannot formally transfer to financial institution institutions. This paper uses a survey method in collecting answers from respondents and describes them in descriptive results in describing the public perception of literacy, local wisdom in the culture of saving to realise a village bank. The results show that financial literacy is a strong predictor of demand for financial services and can lead to the formation of village banks. Data based on Respondents survey in the research based on education and financial literacy practically did not necessarily and had the effect of opening a savings account independently. However, if the savings account is already available, then the community is interested in setting aside from their income which is theoretically due to the effects of trust ,because so far they consider entering a bank identical to something complicated and expensive.


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