

Osteoarthritis is a joint disorder of non-inflammatory degeneration that occurs in movable joints and weight support joints with a characteristic picture of joint deterioration and the formation of new bones on the bone edge (osteophytes) as a result of biochemical, metabolic, physiological and pathological changes in joint susceptibility and sub-condral bone. Problems that arise from osteoarthritis include joint pain, joint motion resistance, morning stiffness, crepitation, deformity, asymmetrical joint swelling, signs of inflammation, changes in gait. The purpose of this study was to determine physiotherapy interventions in cases of osteoarthritis. This research is a case study conducted at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in February-March 2017. In this case study the boundaries of the problems to be discussed are pain, spasm, limitations of LGS and decreased muscle strength. And the modalities that will be applied are Trans Electrical Nerves Stimulation (TENS), Ultrasound and exercise therapy in the form of Quadriceps Setting Exercise and passive hamstring stretching. The results of this case study show that the modalities of TENS and Ultrasound (US) can reduce pain and spasm. And with exercise therapy Passive stretching hamstring and Quadriceps Setting exercise can increase the Range of Motion and the value of muscle strength in patients with Genu Osteoarthritis cases.


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