
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan


This research is intended to answer the question of whether the implementation of Behavior Therapy Program with the method of Applied Behavior Analysis Verbal Behavior (ABA VB) effectively improve the Language Ability of children with autism disorders. Autism is a very large and severe childhood disorder that develops in periods of development, characterized by constraints in the areas of communication, social interaction, coqnitive, motoric, and behavioral patterns of stereotypes in which the symptoms appear before the age of 3. Behavioral aspects in children with autism often inhibit the potential of children. That's why the handling of behavioral disorders in children with autism is very important. Behavioral therapy is aimed at shaping behavior that is acceptable to the surrounding environment and reducing problematic behavior (lovaas, 2013). One of the most commonly used behavioral therapy is Applied Behavior Analysis Verbal Behavior (ABA VB), which has been investigated by many experts proven to help shape behavior that is acceptable to the social environment in children with autism. This study aims to see the effectiveness of further behavioral therapy programs using Applied Behavior Analysis Verbal Behavior (ABA VB) on the development of autistic children language. This study used qualitative methods with data collection methods of in-depth interviews of parents, therapists, and observations of children. The results of the study showed that there was a significant increase in the development of language of children with autism, the increase between the condition before the subjects get Behavior Therapy with ABA VB method and subject conditions after getting Behavior Therapy with ABA VB. In addition to improving the language also obtained the development of 3 aspects observed in 12 meetings: imitation ability, pre-academic and receptive language of the child.


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