
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan


Utilization of Cultural Resources as Power of Destination Cultural Tourism Case Study Museum Jesus. This study aims to examine the Utilization of Cultural Resources as a Tourism Destination Cultural Tourism Case Studies Museum Jenang Kudus. This research uses qualitative approach method with descriptive analysis. Stages in this study are observation, description and interpretation through the approach of the concept of cultural tourism and the concept of museology. Through this research is expected to obtain optimal results how the utilization of resources Jenang Kudus Museum as a tourist attraction of cultural tourism. The results of this study show that in utilizing the museum resources of Jenang Kudus as a cultural tourism destination can be done by optimizing the demonstration of museum collections of Jenang Kudus, packaging the collection of Jenang Kudus Museum in the exhibition, packaging the exhibition space to be harmonious and artistic, elevating values and interpreting collections - collection of the Jenang Kudus museum, developing thematic exhibitions, fixing the facilities and infrastructure of the MBJ building, and packing the program of activities of the Kudus Jenang Museum.


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