
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan


Effect of Lecturer Communication Style in Learning-Teaching Process on Motivation of Student Learning in Class. The birth of online media can not be separated from the booming of online media that occurred abroad in the mid-1990s. People glance online media because there is saturation in the print media market post-reformation 1998. Online journalism is increasingly in demand, this is influenced by the development of technology and the tendency of people who prefer practical things, such as ease of reading online news through a gadget that can be done where just and anytime. Online news portals detik.com, kompas.com, and tempo.co occupies the position of 20 most popular media in Indonesia (alexis.com). Political news is one type of news that interest online newsreaders in Indonesia. Political news that gets the spotlight in early 2017 is the news about the election of the governor of DKI Jakarta. Before the general election, the KPU conducted a debate on three candidates for governor and deputy governor, with the aim of educating voters to choose wisely according to their choice of heart. As the last debate (3rd debate) took place, a busy online news portal launched various types of news about the debate. From this case, the researcher analyzed the contents of 3 online media which reported the third debate of Jakarta 2017 election on February 11, 2017. The methodology used was media monitoring, using variables: Amount of News Loading, Message Accuracy, Distribution of News . The purpose of this research is to know the focus and balance of news in online media related to the 3rd debate of DKI Jakarta election as the main source of the determination of the program or confirmation statement for the world of public relations politics. One of the data from the results of this study shows that news in the 3 most popular online media in Indonesia (detik.com, kompas.com, and tempo.co) about the last debate governor and vice governor of DKI Jakarta 2017 is; 89% focused and 45.5% balanced. This result signifies the lack of a balanced online news portal preach a political impression, even though the news has been very focused.


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