Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a condition of movement and function disorders in children that requires continuous physiotherapy. One factor in the successful development of children with CP is the existence of a home program/independent therapy carried out by parents at home. In providing the home program, physiotherapists at YPCP Surabaya gave leaflets to parents. However, this was less effective because it was easily damaged, so the home program media was replaced with video. The effectiveness of both in increasing parental compliance in carrying out the home program every day is not yet known. Objective: to find out the difference in parental compliance in carrying out a home program between using leaflet media or video media. Method: 20 parents of children with CP were randomly divided into leaflet groups and video groups, 10 people each. Each person is monitored for compliance in carrying out the home program for 1 week (7 days). Measurement of compliance with checklists every day. Results: parents in the video media group were more compliant in carrying out the home program than parents in the leaflet media group. Conclusion: video media is more effective in increasing the compliance of parents of children with CP in carrying out home programs compared to leaflet media.
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Bahasa Abstract
Cerebral palsy (CP) merupakan suatu kondisi gangguan gerak dan fungsi pada anak yang memerlukan fisioterapi yang kontinyu. Salah satu faktor keberhasilan perkembangan anak CP adalah adanya home program/terapi mandiri yang dilakukan oleh orang tua di rumah. Dalam memberikan home program, fisioterapis di YPCP Surabaya memberikan leaflet pada orang tua. Namun hal itu kurang efektif karena mudah rusak, sehingga media home program diganti dengan video. Belum diketahui efektivitas keduanya dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan orang tua dalam menjalankan home program setiap hari. Tujuan: mengetahui perbedaan kepatuhan orang tua dalam melakukan home program antara menggunakan media leaflet atau media video. Metode: 20 orang tua anak CP dibagi secara random menjadi kelompok leaflet dan kelompok video, masing-masing 10 orang. Masing-masing dipantau kepatuhannya dalam melakukan home program selama 1 pekan (7 hari). Pengukuran kepatuhan dengan checklist setiap hari. Hasil: orang tua pada kelompok media video lebih patuh dalam melakukan home program daripada orang tua pada kelompok media leaflet. Kesimpulan: media video lebih efektif meningkatkan kepatuhan orang tua anak CP dalam melakukan home program dibandingkan dengan media leaflet.
Recommended Citation
Abdullah, Khabib; Amalia, Ichsanul; and Wijaya, Aji Sukma
"Perbedaan Pengaruh Media Edukasi Terhadap Kepatuhan Orang Tua Anak Cerebral Palsy Untuk Melaksanakan Home Program,"
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia: Vol. 3:
1, Article 1.
DOI: 10.7454/jfti.v3i1.1095
Available at:
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