
Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a syndrome that occurs in 1-4% of the total population worldwide. This condition causes disruption of function and motion in the wrist that spreads to the fingers. Physiotherapy intervention is necessary to reduce the severity of symptoms in patients with CTS. Neurodynamic Techniques are nerve mobilization techniques that aim to restore homeostasis in the nerves so as to reduce pain and improve functional ability. Materials and methods. This research was conducted through searching several databases, found 31 articles which were then filtered and selected as many as 10 articles. However, of the 11 articles, further screening was carried out again based on inclusion criteria. The final result after selection is 9 articles. Results. From the 9 articles that have been reviewed neurodynamic technique provides significant benefits to reduce pain and increase functional ability in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Conclusion. Good results can be obtained if the treatment is done regularly with a dose of 2-3 times a week as many as 3 sets of 20 repetitions per training session and accompanied by exercise therapy performed every day. Neurodynamic technique can produce a positive effect on the reduction of pain in cases of CTS so as to restore the function of motion in the wrist and fingers.

Keywords: Carpal tunnel syndrome, neurodynamic technique, grip strength, functional ability


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Bahasa Abstract

Carpal tunnel syndrome merupakan sindrom yang terjadi pada 1-4% dari total populasi di seluruh dunia. Kondisi ini menyebabkan terganggunya fungsi dan gerak pada pergelangan tangan yang menjalar hingga jari. Intervensi fisioterapi sangat diperlukan untuk mengurangi keparahan gejala pada penderita CTS. Neurodynamic Techniques merupakan Teknik mobilisasi saraf yang bertujuan memulihkan homeostatis pada saraf sehingga dapat mengurangi nyeri dan meningkatkan kemampuan fungsional. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui penelusuran beberapa database, ditemukan 31 artikel yang kemudian disaring dan dipilih sebanyak 10 artikel. Namun dari 11 artikel tersebut, dilakukan penyaringan lebih lanjut kembali berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Hasil akhir setelah seleksi adalah 9 artikel. Hasil. Dari ke 9 artikel yang telah di-review neurodynamic technique memberikan manfaat yang signifikan terhadap penurunan nyeri dan peningkatan kemampuan fungsional pada penderita carpal tunnel syndrome. Simpulan. Hasil yang bagus bisa didapatkan apabila treatment dilakukan secara rutin dengan dosis 2-3 kali seminggu sebanyak 3 set 20 kali pengulangan per sesi latihan dan disertai dengan terapi latihan yang dilakukan setiap hari. Neurodynamic technique dapat menghasilkan efek yang positif terhadap berkurangnya nyeri pada kasus CTS sehingga dapat mengembalikan fungsi gerak pada pergelangan tangan dan jari.

Kata Kunci: Carpal tunnel syndrome, neurodynamic technique, grip strength, kemampuan fungsional



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