
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development/JESSD ( is a biannual refereed journal that provides an opportunity for academics and practitioners well as community representatives to examine, exchange, and reflect on a wide range of issues related to environmental science and sustainable development. JESSD is published by the School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

This year, JESSD is proud to hold its third international hybrid symposium. The third International Symposium of Earth, Energy, Environmental Science, and Sustainable Development will feature world-class speakers and editors worldwide, such as the USA, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia. This event covers numerous subjects ranging from the broad earth science, energy, and environmental science, to more specific topics on Earth, Energy, Environmental Science, SDGs in Environmental Protection and Community Engagement for Better Environment. This symposium delightedly invites all interested national (approximately 50% or more from the total of participants) and international experts and enthusiasts from universities, institutions, organizations, businesses, and the communities themselves. We gladly announce that our second virtual symposium will be held from 27 to 28 August 2022.