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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted global community and economy. As the pandemic began to subside, the government initiated various strategies for economic recovery. Investment is one of the policy instruments to improve the local economy. The Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (DPMPTSP), hereafter coined the Department of Investment, has implemented different strategies to achieve regional investment targets. Data indicate a decline in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) due to the pandemic, however, an increase in Direct Investment (DI) is also observed, contributing to the achievement of investment targets. This study aims to examine the strategies applied by the Department of Investment of Lebak District to achieve these targets. A qualitative descriptive approach was employed, while data were collected through in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis was conducted using ATLAS.ti software by coding data, opening a network, and drawing conclusions from collected data. The results reveal a "downstreaming" strategy for integrated investment services, which includes: Investment Information System, Investment Forum, approach through the Head of District, and Ease of Service for prospective investors (upstream) and existing investors to obtain Business Identification Numbers (NIB), make investments, and complete the Investment Activity Report (LKPM) (downstream). This study contributes to developing public sector innovation in investment. Future research can explore the correlation of investment achievements with labor absorption and regional income in Lebak District.


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