


Manuscript is to be submitted through the Digital Commons (https://scholarhub.ui.ac.id/jbb). First-time author is required to register to the system (https://scholarhub.ui.ac.id/cgi/myaccount.cgi?context=jbb). Recurring author should log in to the system and follow submission instruction.

Author is required to upload three files to the system:

  1. One file in Microsoft Word format containing: title, abstract and keyword, the full content of the article and reference list. The JBB strictly remind author not to provide any information on author name or affiliation in this file.
  2. One file in Microsoft Word format containing: title, author name, affiliated institution, and correspondence in the form of a phone number and email (institution email and private email). Please indicate the name of the corresponding author.
  3. One file named “Statement of Authorship” whereby the corresponding Author outline the contribution of each author on the paper.

In addition, the corresponding author must review and check The JBB authorship and ethical policy statements, namely:

  1. Authorship Policy
    Authorship gives credit where credit is due. Corresponding author must ensure that each of the authors whose names are included in the article: 1) have made substantial contributions to the research framework OR the collection OR the analysis of the data OR have drafted the manuscript OR substantively revised it; AND 2) have approved the final, submitted version (including any revised version) of the manuscript; AND 3) have agreed to be held accountable for all aspects of the author’s own contributions.
  2. Data Availability Statements
    If there is a dataset involved with the article, author must provide statement on the availability and accessibility of the dataset, that is to announce whether the dataset is 1) openly available in a public repository; 2) derived from public domain resources; 3) readily available within the article or its appendices; 4) available upon request due to ethical/privacy/third party policies; 5) not available due to ethical/privacy/third party policies; or 6) not exist or no new data generated
  3. Submission Preparation Checklist

    As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

    1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
    2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
    3. Author(s) whose name included in the article has/have meet the JBB authorship policy.
    4. Dataset used in the article is (choose one):
      a. openly available in a public repository;
      b. derived from public domain resources;
      c. readily available within the article or its appendices;
      d. available upon request due to ethical/privacy/third party policies;
      e. not available due to ethical/privacy/third party policies; or
      f. not exist or no new data generated