
Antropologi Indonesia


This article analyzes the discontent of the Maneo people of North Seram against Nusaina, a palm oil company that operates on their custom (adat) territory. Nusaina obtained land for its operation in Seram through various cunning schemes, deceiving the Maneo people into agreeing to lease their land by exploiting their lack of access to legal assistance. The uneasy relationship that has unfolded ever since has led to perpetual and subtle tension between Maneo and Nusaina. The situation that the Maneo find themselves in is illustrative of that of many indigenous Austronesians. Although the traditional norm among Austronesian societies dictates that earlier arriving groups are to be ranked higher, the expansion of extractive capitalism has disrupted this. The presence of extractive corporates has created a situation where Austronesian indigenous societies are losing access to their traditional land and resources. In resisting potentially devastative changes brought about by Nusaina, the Maneo incorporate symbols that associate their people with the land and assert the traditional order of precedence.


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