
Antropologi Indonesia


The practice of BDSM is still taboo to discuss since most Indonesians are still unfamiliar with the issue. As a subculture, BDSM is often misunderstood as a violent and dangerous sexual practice that only prevailed by certain people. Many prior literatures have revealed BDSM as part of kinky sex, for enjoying erotic pain through sexual activities that have consented and controlled by adult partners. However, how BDSM perpetuates their sexual practices in a conservative and socially monogamous society like Indonesia has not comprehensively explored nor accepted like other relationship as the society is widely dominated by heteronormative unioamory society. As a result, the discussion regarding BDSM issues in Indonesia is scarce and barely exist. To explore the complexities of BDSM, this study examines several subculture’s characteristic such as power dynamics, role play switching during scene and beyond interaction in BDSM relationships that are built in romantic and/or non-romantic relationships with their partner(s) in a daily life. This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews, life histories, and online observation among eight BDSM-ers in total, including heterosexuals and homosexuals (gays) with many Dominant/Submissive/Switch roles. As a form of sexual reference, this study finds BDSM practices could be carried out by any sexual orientations that profoundly involves the space and time context for implementing and/or negotiating BDSM practices. This study also shows that BDSM practices are fluid, transactional, and full of contested doings (against stereotypical bdsm yang konvensional). Thus, BDSM offers a passionate relationship in practicing polyamory that is considered value-free but also restraint regarding various rules and power controlling between BDSM partner(s) in romantic and/or non-romantic relationships.


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