
Antropologi Indonesia


This paper is based on an archival study in the context of river agroecosystem change in Central Kalimantan. Based on several sources of archives, there’s a thing which significantly affected the changes in the water system in Kalimantan, namely a food regime which started in early 20th century. The discovery leads to three things. First, there is an intense relationship between food regime and knowledge regime that contributes to environmental damage. Second, there is a sustained bias behind the government's food policy since colonial to current post-colonial period. Lastly, there is perpetual failure of the food regime. Under the food regime, agriculture is seen as a technical matter by ignoring cultural element of local community. It is this element that this article tries to present through the community's food mythology in the history of the food regime. This article argues that food regime is also bound by myth. However, unlike the local myths that were born from historical process of adapting environment, myths the policymakers believe in are ahistorical, because theirs are not rooted in the culture of the people in Kalimantan. This article highlights how archival research can be used in the context of doing ethnography on food regime in Indonesia.


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