Antropologi Indonesia
Sando pea was a name for traditional birth attendants among Kaluppini people of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The presence of traditional birth attendants was considered one of the factors that cause delays in accessing health facilities for mothers. It resulted in high maternal mortality rate, especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. The study aimed to explore and describe the role of traditional birth attendants among Kaluppini people and the health challenges faced by this community in accessing health facilities. Using qualitative approach, data were collected through indepth interviews and focus group discussions. A total of 6 sando peas and 67 mothers were involved in this study as informants. Sando pea played a crucial role both in the indigenous health system, particularly in maternal-child health care, and customary rituals. Mothers preferred delivery at home assisted by sando pea for several reasons. In addition to their traditional beliefs, they also felt ashamed to have childbirth at health facilities. Difficult access to health facilities and a lack of available midwife also made sando pea more accessible, even becomes the only choice. The role of sando pea was still dominant in assisting mothers’ delivery among Kaluppini people. A good understanding of the complexities of their tradition was necessary to engage with Kaluppini mothers and raise their awareness of giving birth healthy and safely.
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Recommended Citation
-, Nurbaya and Chandra, Wahyu
"Sando Pea: Between Tradition and Health Challenge among Kaluppini Indigenous People,"
Antropologi Indonesia: Vol. 41:
2, Article 1.
DOI: 10.7454/ai.v41i2.12988
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