
Antropologi Indonesia


The paper argues that in post-Suharto Indonesia, Papua remained under Carl Schmitt's state of exception in which law was suspended to allow executive power of the state to reign with little restrictions. The structure of domination has become much more complex as it no longer consisted of dichotomy of the state authority and Papuan resistance movements. Rather, it colluded with the power of market, the monopoly of the powerful over natural resources, as well as the penetration of Wahhabism that undermined the existing cultural and social cohesion of the Papuans. The domination of the executive power of the state remained pervasive in the form of re-militarization of Papua. The power of the market has placed Papua and Papuans under control of the economy elite who ruled the game especially when it came to land acquisition and extraction of natural resources. The politico-economy structure of domination has been exacerbated with the new phenomenon of Wahhabism that has undermined the cultural and social cohesion of the indigenous and non-indigenous Papuans. All these elements only affirmed that the state of exception ruled Papua as a frontier.


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