Antropologi Indonesia
In Indonesia, since 1987, cases of children with HIV/AIDS (CLWHA) have increased. Several studies reveal that CLHWA cannot live up to the age of 5 years without ARV treatment. However, data from Ministry of Health and NGO’s documentation show a different fact. Some CLWHA can live longer than the others although they have not started the antiretroviral treatment yet. In social science, there is an approach called “Positive Deviance”. This study examines how CLWHA live as Positive Deviant and how families and social systems support them through their lives.This study used a qualitative approach using FGD and in-depth interviews for data collection. Key informants were CLWHA who started ARV treatment after 5 years of age. Supporting informants, ie parents/extended families, NGOs, and doctor who provide medical care for them. CLWHA becomes unintentionally positive deviant due to late detect on their HIV status. Living as CLWHA is also not easy because they have to reconcile with their illness and medical treatments, they have psychosocial problems because they feel different from their peers, and they are difficult to gain academic achievements because of health barriers. However, the support from community and other funding agencies makes them a source of financial support for their family’s needs. The study also found that families and social systems play an important role for informants to survive longer than other CLWHA.
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Recommended Citation
Imelda, Johanna Debora and -, Annisah
"Menjadi "Positive Deviant" di antara yang Positif (Kajian Deskriptif tentang Anak dengan HIV/AIDS),"
Antropologi Indonesia: Vol. 37:
2, Article 4.
DOI: 10.7454/ai.v37i2.8770
Available at: