

The paper demonstrates the application of Henri Lefebvre's postulates in the hermeneutical study of the Peres Maldonado Ex-voto, created in Aguascalientes in 1777. This piece, authored by an unknown artist, likely illustrates the first mastectomy performed in Mexican lands. This study employs an analytical framework that integrates the propositions made by the philosopher Henri Lefebvre and the experiential spatial systems proposed by the authors. The former formulates a conceptual foundation that unfolds the body in three spatial dimensions: mental, physical, and social. The unfolding could make possible the defragmentation of the painting's elements to analyse the concept of corporeality or total body, as mentioned by Lefebvre. Subsequently, the experiential spatial systems complement the spatial analysis through relational concepts consisting of body-mind, body-gestures, body-attire, body-objects, and body-interior/exterior envelope. The analysis offers some new insights into several components of the simulated pictorial space of the voting offering, including the principal female figure, the secondary characters, the gestures and postures, attire, objects, furnishings, and constructed interior environment. The findings contribute to the development of new methodologies for interpreting spatial configuration in artistic works and, consequently, offer significant advancements in the fields of interior architectural space design and art.

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Authors' Bio

Blanca Ruiz Esparza Díaz de León

Blanca Ruiz Esparza Díaz de León holds a PhD in Architectural Interior Philosophy from the University of Federico II, Naples, Italy; a master's degree in Interior Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Salamanca, Spain; and a bachelor's degree in Architecture from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. She is the founder of the Bachelor's Programme in Interior Design, Head of the Department of Habitat Design, and Coordinator of the Architecture and Interior Design programs. Currently, she is affiliated with the National Researchers System of CONACYT as a candidate and, for over 26 years, has served as a Professor at the Center for Design and Construction Sciences of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. She is the author of books and book chapters on the theory and design of architectural interior space. She created the methodology for configuring interior space at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, known as Systems of Environments and delivers lectures and courses on art and design, specialising in iconographic studies of interior space.

Héctor Omar González Romo

Héctor Omar González Romo graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. In 2015, he won the Second National Art Criticism Contest for Undergraduate Students at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. He teaches the Sculpture Workshop course within the Department of Extracurricular Training at the Technological Institute of Aguascalientes. He has also collaborated on projects in artistic education and interdisciplinary research within the field of Interior Design at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. He currently works as an Art Discipline Teacher at the Creative Painting Seedbed in El Llano, Aguascalientes, a programme of the Ministry of Culture.

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