

The spatial practice of women in Kampung Kauman is a concrete manifestation of the active agents of spatial production in everyday life, which uses housing to support their economic, social, and cultural activities. This paper aims to expand the idea of women-led domestic territory using the lens of interiority, highlighting women's practices that connect and expand their space in the inner space of the dwelling and beyond. This research was conducted by mapping the everyday practices of women in Kampung Kauman to reveal various spatial settings in space. This paper argues that women's practice can broaden the understanding of interiority related to houses and their neighbourhoods. The findings of this study show that the connection between domestic spaces to the neighbourhood may change depending on the women's activity, the agreement of social and cultural activities alternately in the domestic area, and shifting the domestic area into a commercial area. This spatial arrangement can guide residential areas and urban environments by considering domestic interiority in everyday life.

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Authors' Bio

Arnis Rochma Harani

Arnis Rochma Harani received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Architectural Engineering from Universitas Diponegoro and she is a lecturer in Universitas Diponegoro. Her research focuses on the human experience and relationships in the urban interior. She examines this kind of space to understand urban design from a multi-perspective and how to address the issue of interiority.

Titien Woro Murtini

Titien Woro Murtini received her Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Engineering from Universitas Diponegoro and Master’s degree in Architectural Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology. She holds a doctorate from Diponegoro University. Her major research interests include gender, settlement, and sustainability in design.

Mustika Kusumaning Wardhani

Mustika K Wardhani received her Bachelor’s degree from Architectural Engineering of Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta and Master’s degrees from Architectural Engineering of Universitas Diponegoro. She is working as a researcher at the Research Organization of Open Innovation and Collaboration Ritsumeikan University. Her major research interest is urban design.

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