

This article is created out of the architectural space and narratives of village life. The narratives concern the interiority of life in Kampos, a farming village on the Greek Cycladic island of Tinos, on the day when the village celebrates the Holy Trinity, its patron saint. The village area on this festive day is depicted in the movement of the families from their houses to the church, the procession from the patron saint’s church to a smaller church through the main village street, and, finally, in the movement of the villagers back to speci!c houses. Through a series of spatial and social layers, the meaning of the communal table on the day of the festival, where food is shared, is reached. A series of negotiations create a different space, where the public, private and communal blend and reveal different layers of “interiority” through which this community is bounded and connected. In this article, I follow the revelation and discovery of truth through fiction, story or myth, as argued by the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur.

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Authors' Bio

Maria Vidali

Maria Vidali studied architecture at Portsmouth and Kingston University. She holds an MPhil degree in History and Philosophy of Architecture from Cambridge University and a PhD from the University of Thessaly in Greece. Her research work, Village and Land: The Outlying Chapels of the Island of Tinos was published in 2009. Since 2007 she runs her own practice in Athens. She has taught at the Drury Centre in Greece (Drury University of Missouri extensive Study Abroad programme), also theory and design at the University of Thessaly, School of Architecture. Since 2017 she has been teaching in College Year Athens, an educational institution based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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