
Indonesian Journal of Medical Chemistry and Bioinformatics


Abstract: Background: Serum albumin is the most abundant plasma protein in the blood, contributing to maintaining colloid osmotic pressure and binding substances that are poorly soluble in plasma so that they can be distributed throughout the body. Serum albumin levels in breast milk can vary, influenced by various factors such as the lactation phase (age of the baby), number of parities, age and body mass index (BMI) of the mother. This study aims to determine the comparison of serum albumin levels in breast milk of mothers who breastfeed infants aged 1-3 months and 4-6 months and to find the relationship with the number of parities, age and BMI of the mother.

Method: Cross-sectional design experimental study, breast milk samples as stored biological fluids were obtained from 58 mothers at the Petamburan and Cilincing Health Centers. Serum albumin levels were measured with the Bromocresol Green (BCG) kit.

Results: The results showed that breast milk in the earlier lactation period, namely at 1-3 months, had significantly higher serum albumin levels compared to the serum albumin levels in the 4-6 months age group (p=0.002). Serum albumin levels in breast milk for infants aged 1-3 months did not correlate with mother's parity (p=0.428) and mother's age (p=0.881), but had a significant positive correlation with mother's BMI (p=000). Serum albumin levels in breast milk in the 4-6 months age group did not correlate with mother's parity (p=0.823) and mother's age (p=0.581) but had a strong positive correlation with maternal BMI (p=0.000).

Conclusion: Breast milk serum albumin levels are affected by the lactation phase (age of the baby), namely at the age of 1-3 months the baby increases significantly compared to the age of 4-6 months. The level of serum albumin in breast milk is related to the mother's BMI, which increases with increasing mother's BMI.

Bahasa Abstract

Abstract: Background: Albumin serum merupakan protein plasma yang jumlahnya terbanyak dalam darah, berkontribusi dalam mempertahankan tekanan osmotik koloid dan mengikat substansi yang sukar larut dalam plasma agar dapat didistribusikan ke seluruh tubuh. Kadar albumin serum dalam ASI dapat bervariasi, dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti fase laktasi (usia bayi), jumlah paritas, usia dan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Ibu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kadar albumin serum ASI ibu yang menyusui bayi usia 1-3 bulan dan 4-6 bulan serta mencari hubungannya dengan jumlah paritas, usia dan IMT Ibu.

Method: Studi eksperimental desain croossectional, sampel ASI sebagai cairan biologis tersimpan diperoleh dari 58 Ibu di Puskesmas Petamburan dan Cilincing. Kadar albumin serum diukur dengan kit Bromocresol Green (BCG).

Results: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ASI pada periode laktasi yang lebih awal yaitu pada 1-3 bulan memiliki kadar albumin serum lebih tinggi bermakna dibandingkan dengan kadar albumin serum ASI kelompok usia 4-6 bulan (p=0,002). Kadar albumin serum ASI kelompok usia bayi 1-3 bulan tidak berkorelasi dengan jumlah paritas Ibu(p=0,428) dan usia Ibu (p=0,881), namun berkorelasi positif kuat bermakna terhadap IMT Ibu (p=000). Kadar albumin serum ASI kelompok usia bayi 4-6 bulan tidak berkorelasi dengan paritas Ibu (p=0,823) dan usia ibu (p=0,581) namun berkorelasi positif kuat bermakna terhadap IMT Ibu (p=0,000).

Conclusion: Kadar albumin serum ASI dipengaruhi oleh fase laktasi (usia bayi), yaitu pada usia bayi 1-3 bulan meningkat bermakna dibanding usia 4-6 bulan. Kadar albumin serum ASI berhubungan dengan IMT Ibu, yaitu semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya IMT Ibu.



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