The Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant threat, especially to healthcare workers exposed by the infected patients in hospitals. Hospital staff with latent TB are at risk of developing active TB. To mitigate this risk, enhancing hospitals through infection prevention and control (IPC) measures is essential. This study aimed to identify policies and practices related to TB prevention, particularly in a teaching hospital where healthcare workers, including medical students, need protection. The research was conducted at a teaching hospital in Depok, West Java, from January to February 2024. The research took place at a teaching hospital in Depok, West Java, from January to February 2024. A qualitative method was used, including in-depth interviews with hospital committee members, nurses, and administrative staff to gather insights, along with policy analysis regarding TB. In the Indonesian hospital TB health services, the regulation of occupational health regarding TB protection for hospital workers state from constitution law, presidential regulation, ministry of health and ministry of Manpower. However, the findings revealed that there are no policies specifically addressing TB to protect the workers in the hospital. Challenges such as financing TB screenings and raising healthcare workers' awareness of TB were highlighted as crucial factors. The study emphasizes the importance of improving risk management strategies and IPC to safeguard healthcare workers, recommending specific regulations for hospitals with national policy. These results highlight the urgent need for specific TB prevention policies, particularly from the government, to ensure implementation across all hospitals.
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Bahasa Abstract
Pelayanan Tuberkulosis (TB) masih menjadi ancaman, terutama bagi petugas kesehatan yang terpapar pasien di rumah sakit. Petugas dengan TB laten berisiko mengembangkan TB aktif. Untuk mengurangi risiko ini, peningkatan kualitas rumah sakit melalui upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi (PPI) sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kebijakan dan praktik pencegahan TB, terutama di rumah sakit pendidikan, di mana petugas kesehatan termasuk mahasiswa yang perlu dilindungi. Penelitian dilakukan di sebuah rumah sakit universitas di Depok, Jawa Barat dari Januari hingga Februari 2024. Metode kualitatif digunakan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan anggota komite rumah sakit, perawat, dan staf administrasi terkait kebijakan dan praktiknya juga analisis dokumen tentang standar PPI di rumah sakit. Layanan kesehatan TB rumah sakit Indonesia, setidaknya regulasi nasional terkait perlindungan TB bagi pekerja rumah sakit dikeluarkan melalui undang-undang, peraturan presiden, peraturan menteri kesehatan dan peraturan menteri ketenagakerjaan. Namun, temuan dari penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tidak ada kebijakan yang secara khusus membahas TB untuk melindungi para pekerja di rumah sakit. Adanya tantangan dalam pembiayaan pemeriksaan TB dan peningkatan kesadaran petugas kesehatan terhadap TB. Studi ini menekankan pentingnya meningkatkan strategi manajemen risiko dan pengendalian infeksi untuk melindungi petugas kesehatan, merekomendasikan peraturan khusus untuk rumah sakit berdasarkan kebijakan nasional. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa dibutuhkan kebijakan pencegahan TB yang spesifik, khususnya dari pemerintah, untuk mewajibkan penerapan perlindungan petugas di semua rumah sakit.
Recommended Citation
Alfiyyah, Arifah; Modjo, Robiana; and Bachtiar, Adang
"Analysis Protecting The Health Workers from the Transmission of Tuberculosis at Teaching Hospital: A Review of Policy and Practice,"
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration: Vol. 9:
3, Article 3.
DOI: 10.7454/ihpa.v9i3.1128
Available at: