

Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) is a policy needed by Bogor City's people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In its implementation, Bogor City conducted 5-stage of PSBB. This policy provides an overview to stakeholders regarding evaluation, Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as recommendations for PSBB policies in Bogor City. This study uses a Rapid Analysis approach with Media Content Analysis on various policies made by its Government regarding PSBB published from April 13 - June 25, 2020. Data analysis uses a policy triangle and a SWOT model. Policy actors issued 18 health, socio-economy, education, transportation, employment, and religion regulations. At the same time, the content consists of guidelines for implementing PSBB in various sectors such as public places/facilities, educational institutions, workplaces, health facilities, places of worship, transportation facilities, markets/shopping centers, punishment for PSBB violations, as well as content regarding the extension of the PSBB itself. The response of the Bogor City Government to the COVID-19 pandemic was excellent and fast. However, many violations have occurred in the implementation even though there has been punishment. Lack of policy control, low community compliance, and lack of infrastructure can interfere with the implementation of PSBB. There is a need for the cooperation of all parties so that PSBB can run effectively. Keywords: Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) is a policy needed by Bogor City's people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In its implementation, Bogor City conducted 5-stage of PSBB. This policy provides an overview to stakeholders regarding evaluation, Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as recommendations for PSBB policies in Bogor City. This study uses a Rapid Analysis approach with Media Content Analysis on various policies made by its Government regarding PSBB published from April 13 - June 25, 2020. Data analysis uses a policy triangle and a SWOT model. Policy actors issued 18 health, socio-economy, education, transportation, employment, and religion regulations. At the same time, the content consists of guidelines for implementing PSBB in various sectors such as public places/facilities, educational institutions, workplaces, health facilities, places of worship, transportation facilities, markets/shopping centers, punishment for PSBB violations, as well as content regarding the extension of the PSBB itself. The response of the Bogor City Government to the COVID-19 pandemic was excellent and fast. However, many violations have occurred in the implementation even though there has been punishment. Lack of policy control, low community compliance, and lack of infrastructure can interfere with the implementation of PSBB. There is a need for the cooperation of all parties so that PSBB can run effectively. Keywords: COVID-19, Policy, PSBB, Policy Triangle Analysis, SWOPembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) is a policy needed by Bogor City's people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In its implementation, Bogor City conducted 5-stage of PSBB. This policy provides an overview to stakeholders regarding evaluation, Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as recommendations for PSBB policies in Bogor City. This study uses a Rapid Analysis approach with Media Content Analysis on various policies made by its Government regarding PSBB published from April 13 - June 25, 2020. Data analysis uses a policy triangle and a SWOT model. Policy actors issued 18 health, socio-economy, education, transportation, employment, and religion regulations. At the same time, the content consists of guidelines for implementing PSBB in various sectors such as public places/facilities, educational institutions, workplaces, health facilities, places of worship, transportation facilities, markets/shopping centers, punishment for PSBB violations, as well as content regarding the extension of the PSBB itself. The response of the Bogor City Government to the COVID-19 pandemic was excellent and fast. However, many violations have occurred in the implementation even though there has been punishment. Lack of policy control, low community compliance, and lack of infrastructure can interfere with the implementation of PSBB. There is a need for the cooperation of all parties so that PSBB can run effectively. Keywords: COVID-19, Policy, PSBB, Policy Triangle Analysis, SWOPembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) is a policy needed by Bogor City's people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In its implementation, Bogor City conducted 5-stage of PSBB. This policy provides an overview to stakeholders regarding evaluation, Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as recommendations for PSBB policies in Bogor City. This study uses a Rapid Analysis approach with Media Content Analysis on various policies made by its Government regarding PSBB published from April 13 - June 25, 2020. Data analysis uses a policy triangle and a SWOT model. Policy actors issued 18 health, socio-economy, education, transportation, employment, and religion regulations. At the same time, the content consists of guidelines for implementing PSBB in various sectors such as public places/facilities, educational institutions, workplaces, health facilities, places of worship, transportation facilities, markets/shopping centers, punishment for PSBB violations, as well as content regarding the extension of the PSBB itself. The response of the Bogor City Government to the COVID-19 pandemic was excellent and fast. However, many violations have occurred in the implementation even though there has been punishment. Lack of policy control, low community compliance, and lack of infrastructure can interfere with the implementation of PSBB. There is a need for the cooperation of all parties so that PSBB can run effectively. Keywords: COVID-19, Policy, PSBB, Policy Triangle Analysis, SWOPembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) is a policy needed by Bogor City's people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In its implementation, Bogor City conducted 5-stage of PSBB. This policy provides an overview to stakeholders regarding evaluation, Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as recommendations for PSBB policies in Bogor City. This study uses a Rapid Analysis approach with Media Content Analysis on various policies made by its Government regarding PSBB published from April 13 - June 25, 2020. Data analysis uses a policy triangle and a SWOT model. Policy actors issued 18 health, socio-economy, education, transportation, employment, and religion regulations. At the same time, the content consists of guidelines for implementing PSBB in various sectors such as public places/facilities, educational institutions, workplaces, health facilities, places of worship, transportation facilities, markets/shopping centers, punishment for PSBB violations, as well as content regarding the extension of the PSBB itself. The response of the Bogor City Government to the COVID-19 pandemic was excellent and fast. However, many violations have occurred in the implementation even though there has been punishment. Lack of policy control, low community compliance, and lack of infrastructure can interfere with the implementation of PSBB. There is a need for the cooperation of all parties so that PSBB can run effectively. Keywords: COVID-19, Policy, PSBB, Policy Triangle Analysis, SWOPembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) is a policy needed by Bogor City's people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In its implementation, Bogor City conducted 5-stage of PSBB. This policy provides an overview to stakeholders regarding evaluation, Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as recommendations for PSBB policies in Bogor City. This study uses a Rapid Analysis approach with Media Content Analysis on various policies made by its Government regarding PSBB published from April 13 - June 25, 2020. Data analysis uses a policy triangle and a SWOT model. Policy actors issued 18 health, socio-economy, education, transportation, employment, and religion regulations. At the same time, the content consists of guidelines for implementing PSBB in various sectors such as public places/facilities, educational institutions, workplaces, health facilities, places of worship, transportation facilities, markets/shopping centers, punishment for PSBB violations, as well as content regarding the extension of the PSBB itself. The response of the Bogor City Government to the COVID-19 pandemic was excellent and fast. However, many violations have occurred in the implementation even though there has been punishment. Lack of policy control, low community compliance, and lack of infrastructure can interfere with the implementation of PSBB. There is a need for the cooperation of all parties so that PSBB can run effectively. Keywords: COVID-19, Policy, PSBB, Policy Triangle Analysis, SWOPembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) is a policy needed by Bogor City's people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In its implementation, Bogor City conducted 5-stage of PSBB. This policy provides an overview to stakeholders regarding evaluation, Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as recommendations for PSBB policies in Bogor City. This study uses a Rapid Analysis approach with Media Content Analysis on various policies made by its Government regarding PSBB published from April 13 - June 25, 2020. Data analysis uses a policy triangle and a SWOT model. Policy actors issued 18 health, socio-economy, education, transportation, employment, and religion regulations. At the same time, the content consists of guidelines for implementing PSBB in various sectors such as public places/facilities, educational institutions, workplaces, health facilities, places of worship, transportation facilities, markets/shopping centers, punishment for PSBB violations, as well as content regarding the extension of the PSBB itself. The response of the Bogor City Government to the COVID-19 pandemic was excellent and fast. However, many violations have occurred in the implementation even though there has been punishment. Lack of policy control, low community compliance, and lack of infrastructure can interfere with the implementation of PSBB. There is a need for the cooperation of all parties so that PSBB can run effectively. Keywords: COVID-19, Policy, PSBB, Policy Triangle Analysis, SWOPembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) is a policy needed by Bogor City's people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In its implementation, Bogor City conducted 5-stage of PSBB. This policy provides an overview to stakeholders regarding evaluation, Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as recommendations for PSBB policies in Bogor City. This study uses a Rapid Analysis approach with Media Content Analysis on various policies made by its Government regarding PSBB published from April 13 - June 25, 2020. Data analysis uses a policy triangle and a SWOT model. Policy actors issued 18 health, socio-economy, education, transportation, employment, and religion regulations. At the same time, the content consists of guidelines for implementing PSBB in various sectors such as public places/facilities, educational institutions, workplaces, health facilities, places of worship, transportation facilities, markets/shopping centers, punishment for PSBB violations, as well as content regarding the extension of the PSBB itself. The response of the Bogor City Government to the COVID-19 pandemic was excellent and fast. However, many violations have occurred in the implementation even though there has been punishment. Lack of policy control, low community compliance, and lack of infrastructure can interfere with the implementation of PSBB. There is a need for the cooperation of all parties so that PSBB can run effectively.

Bahasa Abstract

Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) merupakan salah satu kebijakan yang diperlukan oleh masyarakat Kota Bogor untuk upaya pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19. Dalam pelaksanaannya Kota Bogor melakukan PSBB sebanyak lima tahap. Tujuan: Memberikan gambaran kepada stakeholder mengenai evaluasi, analisis kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman, serta rekomendasi terhadap kebijakan PSBB di Kota Bogor. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Rapid Analysis dengan Media Content Analysis terhadap berbagai kebijakan yang dibuat oleh Pemerintah Kota Bogor terkait PSBB yang diterbitkan sejak tanggal 13 April – 25 Juni 2020. Analisis data menggunakan model segitiga kebijakan dan SWOT. Hasil: Aktor kebijakan telah mengeluarkan 18 peraturan dengan konteks kesehatan, sosial-ekonomi, pendidikan, transportasi, ketenagakerjaan, dan agama. Adapun konten yang dimuat adalah panduan pelaksanaan PSBB di berbagai sektor seperti tempat/fasilitas umum, institusi pendidikan, tempat kerja, fasilitas kesehatan, tempat ibadah, sarana transportasi, pasar/ pusat perbelanjaan, sanksi pelanggaran PSBB, juga konten mengenai perpanjangan PSBB itu sendiri. Kesimpulan: Respon Pemerintah Kota Bogor baik dan cepat. Namun pada pelaksanannya banyak sekali pelanggaran yang terjadi walaupun sudah ada sanksi yang diberlakukan. Kurangnya kontrol kebijakan, rendahnya kepatuhan masyarakat, serta minimnya sarana prasarana dapat menghambat pelaksanaan PSBB. Perlu adanya kerjasama seluruh pihak agar PSBB dapat berjalan efekti



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