

A favorable work environment will influence the quality of work life, would create quality human resources, and support the improvements in the quality of services. To discover the correlation betweem the quality of work life and the employees’ performance at Ogan Ilir District General Hospital, a study was performed in March-April 2018. The study was a cross sectional quantitative study on 315 civil servants and voluntary staff at the hospital. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis was performed using the chi-square and the double regression prediction/determinant model. We discovered that the quality of the work life at the hospital was lacking, particularly for pride in their place of work, employee involvement/participation, and the facilities provided to the employees. It was also discovered that of the 315 employees, 164 (51.1%) employees had low performance index and there was a significant correlation between the employee involvement/participation and the facilities provided to the employees with their performance. Therefore, the three components that was correlated strongly with employee performance was employee involvement/participation [Odds Ratio (OR): 2.190, Confidence Interval (CI): 95%, P <0.001], facilities provided (OR: 2.670; CI 95%, p < 0.000), and work safety (OR: 0.972, CI 95%, p = 0.911).

Bahasa Abstract

Lingkungan kerja yang kondusif akan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup kerja, menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, dan mendukung perbaikan kualitas layanan. Untuk mengetahui korelasi antara kualitas hidup kerja dan kinerja karyawan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Ogan Ilir, sebuah studi dilakukan pada bulan Maret-April 2018. Studi ini adalah studi kuantitatif cross-sectional pada 315 pegawai negeri sipil dan staf sukarela di rumah sakit tersebut. Analisis univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat dilakukan menggunakan model prediksi/determinant regresi berganda dan uji chi-square. Kami menemukan bahwa kualitas hidup kerja di rumah sakit tersebut kurang, terutama dalam hal kebanggaan terhadap tempat kerja, keterlibatan/partisipasi karyawan, dan fasilitas yang disediakan untuk karyawan. Kami juga menemukan bahwa dari 315 karyawan, 164 (51,1%) memiliki indeks kinerja yang rendah dan terdapat korelasi signifikan antara keterlibatan/partisipasi karyawan serta fasilitas yang disediakan dengan kinerja mereka. Oleh karena itu, tiga komponen yang sangat berkorelasi dengan kinerja karyawan adalah keterlibatan/partisipasi karyawan [Odds Ratio (OR): 2,190, Confidence Interval (CI): 95%, P <0,001], fasilitas yang disediakan (OR: 2,670; CI 95%, p < 0,000), dan keselamatan kerja (OR: 0,972, CI 95%, p = 0,911).



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