

This study aims to analyze the conduct implementation of the increasing male contraception policy in Bandung Barat Regency. The study is using qualitative methods with case studies approachment. Qualitative data were gained from 16 informants which consist of implementor group as program managers, and partnership and community group as the targeted group. This study was conducted at three locations: district of Cililin, Batu Jajar, and Parongpong. The study shows that the decision process to decide PPM as the standard and goals of the family planning program has been understood by all of its administrators and resources available for this program has been considered as sufficient in terms of quantity but yet still lack in quality. Furthermore, communication and coordination processes among administrators and associates are shown to be in accordance with the operational procedures, hence, influencing characteristics of the family planning programs. It is found that religion consideration makes the residents refuse male contraception. Family planning programs are considered as women's business for some certain people. Fortunately, the existence of a spirit of militancy, high loyalty and disposition/attitude possessed by the management officers towards this male family planning program has a major influence on the success of the program. Moreover, the study shows that politicians have demonstrated strong support for the family planning program. This supports take places through budgeting and politician's active participation in the male contraceptive programs

Bahasa Abstract

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kinerja pencapaian kebijakan KB pria di Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa proses penetapan PPM sebagai standar dan tujuan kebijakan KB telah dipahami oleh seluruh pengelola KB dan jumlah ketersedian sumber daya saat ini sudah dianggap mencukupi dari segi jumlah namun masih kurang dari segi kualitas. Selain itu diketahui juga bahwa proses komunikasi dan koordinasi antar pengelola maupun dengan mitra kerja telah dilakukan sesuai dengan mekanisme operasional dan hal ini memengaruhi karakteristik pengelola KB. Dari segi faktor sosial budaya diketahui bahwa masyarakat banyak yang menolak program KB pria dengan alasan agama. Sebagian ada yang menganggap bahwa KB hanya untuk urusan wanita. Namun adanya jiwa militansi, loyalitas tinggi dan disposisi/sikap yang dimiliki oleh petugas pengelola terhadap program KB pria ini berpengaruh besar terhadap keberhasilan program. Selain itu juga diketahui bahwa dukungan elit politik terhadap program KB sudah sangat baik dari segi penganggaran maupun keterlibatannya secara aktif dalam Kebijakan KB Pria



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