

Community Satisfaction Index (CSI) Survey is used to measure the community’s perception on the services that they receive. In hospitals, it is used to determine whether a service or facility needs to be improved or not, and where it must be improved. In 2018, a descriptive qualitative study was performed at RSUD Dr. Kanujoso which would measure the public’s perception on the services that the hospital provided. The survey was based on the 14 aspects of CSI of the State Apparatus Empowerment Minister Decree No. 25/M.PAN/2/2004. We discovered that the highest rate was held by the Hemodialysis Unit with 100% and the lowest was held by the Medical Rehabilitation Unit with 74.18%. The other units ranged between 74.89%-90.83%. While the average score for the hospital was 78.42%, which meant that the hospital’s perfoemance was good. In general, the hospital provided good service, as evident in the average score of 78.42%. 93.6% of patients prefer to return to the hospital and 97,6% would recommend the hospital. Although some improvements were necessary, such as in the speed and fairness. Therefore, the staff involved in those areas should received further training.

Bahasa Abstract

Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat adalah data dan Informasi mengenai tingkat kepuasan masyarakat yang diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif atas pendapat masyarakat dalam memperoleh pelayanan dari aparatur penyelenggara pelayanan publik. Desain Survei Kepuasan Masyarakat terhadap Pelayanan di RSUD Kanujoso Wibowo 2018 ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang akan mengukur tingkat kepuasan berbasis persepsi masyarakat pada saat menerima layanan kesehatan dikaitkan dengan 14 aspek Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat dari Keputusan Menteri PAN Nomor: 25/M.PAN/2/2004. Berdasarkan unit layanan, indeks kepuasan masyarakat tertinggi ada di unit Hemodialisa dengan nilai 100,00 (sangat baik). 12 unit layanan lainnya masuk dalam kategori baik dan sangat baik dengan rentang nilai 74,18-90,83. Unit Rehab Medik menjadi unit layanan dengan indeks kepuasan masyarakat terendah yaitu hanya sebesar 74,18, walaupun nilai tersebut masih masuk dalam kategori baik. Nilai Indeks pelayanan dari 14 aspek indeks kepuasaan masyarakat untuk pelayanan di RSUD Kanujoso Djatiwibowo adalah 78,42 artinya kinerja unit pelayanan adalah baik.



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