"The Papua Conflict: The Different Perspectives of The Indonesian Government and International Communities" by Mohamad Rosyidin, Andi Akhmad Basith Dir et al.


The West Papuan issue has become a flashpoint of conflict between Indonesia and the international community. However, studies on this subject have never been concerned about the causal root of differences between Indonesia and the international community over the West Papuan issue. There has not been a theoretical account of how this issue is framed in international politics. Existing literature tends to overlook the fundamental narrative, that is, the contrasting view between Indonesia and those who support West Papuan freedom. This paper aims to analyse the root cause of this debate. Using the English School approach in international relations, this paper argues that Indonesia frames this issue within the concept of ‘sovereignty’ and norms of ‘non-interference’, which represent the Pluralist strand. On the contrary, the international community represented by Pacific countries and civil societies frames this issue within the concept of ‘human rights’ and norms of ‘self-determination’, representing the Solidarist strand.

Bahasa Abstract

Isu Papua Barat telah menjadi titik singgung konflik antara Indonesia dan komunitas internasional. Akan tetapi, riset-riset yang sudah ada cenderung mengabaikan akar penyebab perbedaan tersebut. Belum ada analisis teoretis mengenai isu ini dengan bingkai politik internasional. Riset-riset terdahulu cenderung mengabaikan narasi dasar yang menciptakan perbedaan pandangan antara Indonesia dan pihak-pihak pendukung kemerdekaan Papua Barat. Tulisan ini menganalisis akar penyebab perbedaan pandangan tersebut. Menggunakan pendekatan Mazhab Inggris dalam hubungan internasional, tulisan ini berpendapat bahwa Indonesia membingkai isu tersebut dalam konsep ‘kedaulatan’ dan norma ‘non-intervensi’ yang mencerminkan pandangan aliran Pluralis. Sebaliknya, komunitas internasional yang diwakili negara-negara Pasifik dan kelompok masyarakat sipil membingkai isu tersebut dalam konsep ‘hak asasi manusia’ dan norma ‘menentukan nasib sendiri’, yang mencerminkan pandangan aliran Solidaris.


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