

In 2022, RSKD Duren Sawit has officially held operating room services. The demand for more comprehensive operating room services increased rapidly. The temporary operating room rates were set by adapting the rates of other regional hospitals and the Governor of DKI Jakarta's regulations. There is a huge difference in costs between the hospital rates and the INA-CBGs claim rates, especially for surgical debridement performed in the operating room. One of the factors causing the difference is the undetermined cost for debridement based on the unit cost component. Knowing the unit-cost debridement in the operating room according to the cost per activity. The study design was a retrospective cohort. Debridement action activities were collected through direct observation and patient operation reports. Then perform unit cost calculations based on activity-based costing. The unit cost of debridement with spinal anesthesia is Rp2.841.511,00. The unit cost calculation results are lower than hospital rates for neck debridement and mediastinitis. However, for debridement by general surgery and oral surgery, the unit cost is higher.


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Bahasa Abstract

Pada tahun 2022, Rumah Sakit Khusus Daerah (RSKD) Duren Sawit resmi mengadakan layanan kamar operasi. Permintaan layanan kamar operasi dengan fasilitas lebih lengkap meningkat dengan cepat. Tarif kamar operasi sementara ditetapkan dengan mengadaptasi tarif Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) lain dan Peraturan Gubernur DKI Jakarta. Namun, terdapat selisih biaya yang sangat besar antara tarif rumah sakit dan tarif klaim INA-CBGs, terutama pada debridemen bedah di kamar operasi. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan selisih biaya adalah belum ditetapkannya tarif tindakan debridemen berdasarkan komponen biaya satuan (unit cost). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui unit cost debridemen di kamar operasi sesuai dengan biaya per-aktivitas. Desain penelitian ini adalah kohort retrospektif. Aktivitas tindakan debridemen dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan langsung dan laporan operasi pasien. Perhitungan unit cost dilakukan berdasarkan sistem activity based costing (ABC). Unit cost tindakan debridemen dengan anastesi spinal adalah Rp2.841.511,00. Hasil perhitungan unit cost lebih rendah dibandingkan tarif rumah sakit untuk tindakan debridemen leher dan mediastinitis. Namun, untuk tindakan debridemen oleh bedah umum dan bedah mulut, unit cost lebih tinggi.



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