"Peran Organisasi Civil Society dan Belanja Program Penanggulangan TB (" by Hanifah Hasnur, Dharina Baharuddin et al.


The number of TB cases in Aceh has reached 8471 cases in 2018; 240 (2.8%) cases occurred among children. The real cases in the community were estimated higher than this figure. The success of TB control was influenced by many factors, including the roles of civil society organizations. This research was conducted to analyze the roles of civil society organizations in controlling TB cases in the community. A case study was conducted at PW Aisyiyah Aceh using an economic evaluation methodology for tracking expenditures for TB program activities (2011-2013) compared to the targets. The study showed that PW Aisyiyah has played significant roles in controlling cases of TB in Aceh through many community engagement activities included the TB Care Group; the TB Community activities, High-Risk Group Outreach activities; direct TB and MDR-TB patients monitoring; assisted and providing TB care information and networking to the community. PW Aisyiyah Aceh has spent budgets Rp. 844 million per year for TB program activities with 22.3% spent on promotive/preventive activities, 77.5% spent on indirect activities. To maximize and sustain the roles of PW Aisyiyah Aceh as a civil society organization in controlling the TB program, it is strongly suggested to explore other sources of budgets, including exploring the potential of collaborating Public-Private mix funding mechanism. PW Peran Organisasi Civil Society dan Belanja Program 62 Hasnur, Dharina, Abdullah Aisyiyah is also suggested to increase budget spending on promotive and preventive public health activities in addition to curative activities which have been the main mission of Aisyiyah community organizations in Indonesia.

Bahasa Abstract

Jumlah kasus TB di Aceh tahun 2018 mencapai 8471 kasus; 240 (2.8%) diantaranya terjadi dikalangan anak-anak. Jumlah kasus real di masyarakat diperkirakan lebih tinggi dari angka tersebut. Keberhasilan penanggulangan TB dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, termasuk peran dari organisasi kemasyarakatan (civil society). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis peran organisasi kemasyarakatan dalam penanggulangan kasus TB di masyarakat, dengan fokus pada belanja program. Studi kasus dilakukan di PW (Persatuan Wilayah) Aisyiyah Aceh menggunakan metodologi evaluasi ekonomi, penelusuran dana health account kegiatan penanggulangan TB (tahun 2011-2013) dibandingkan dengan pencapaian target. Hasil studi menunjukkan PW Aisyiyah telah berperan positif dalam penanggulangan program TB di Aceh, terutama dalam community engagement melalui kelompok Peduli TB; Pengelola Kegiatan TB, Penjangkauan Kelompok Berisiko; Pemantauan Langsung Pasien TB dan TB MDR hingga pengembangan jaringan dan informasi pelayanan TB. PW Aisyiyah Aceh menggunakan anggaran Rp 844,- Juta per tahun dengan penggunaan untuk kegiatan promotif/preventif sebesar 22,3%. Penggunaan untuk kegiatan tidak langsung mencapai 77,5%. PW Aisyiyah Aceh memiliki peluang untuk mengembangkan skema pendanaan Public-Private mix, agar dapat berperan lebih maksimal lagi dalam program penanggulangan TB di masa yang akan datang. PW Aisyiyah juga dapat meningkatkan penggunaan anggaran untuk kegiatan upaya kesehatan masyarakat dengan pendekatan promotif dan preventif disamping kegiatan langsung yang selama ini menjadi misi utama organisasi kemasyarakatan PW Aisyiyah di Indonesia

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