

This study discusses the semester 1 report of 2018 with the difference in income from the caesaria section BPJS service with the hospital rate of Rp 508,932,651. In 2019 UHC (Universal Health Caverage) will be implemented while health BPJS according to Law no. 24 of 2011 was appointed by the government as the health insurance management body. Hospitals need to calculate service costs using unit costs so that they experience devisit. The purpose of this study was to create unit cost services for caesarean sectio cases and their efficiency at RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko. The research method is a quantitative descriptive study with cross sectional method using double distribution and continued with the calculation of RVU, while service efficiency uses the clinical pathway (CP) hospital plus CP tools from FKM UI. The sample of the study was uncomplicated class 3 sectio caesaria patients, using 2017 retrospective data. The results of the study obtained the service fee for the caesaria section at RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko, VIP care room Rp.6,704,891, class I Rp.6,491,721, class II Rp.6,320,449 and class III Rp6,503,920 and inefficiency of OK / OKE space Rp571,754, laboratory Rp20,105, medicine Rp203,608, medical equipment and BHP Rp74,084. Conclusion obtained unit cost of sectio caesaria service and its inefficiency at RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko.

Bahasa Abstract

Studi ini membahas laporan semester 1 tahun 2018 adanya selisih pendapatan pelayanan sectio caesaria BPJS dengan tarif rumah sakit sebesar Rp508.932.651. Tahun 2019 akan diberlakukan UHC (Universal Health Caverage) sedangkan BPJS kesehatan menurut Undang-undang no. 24 tahun 2011 ditunjuk pemerintah sebagai badan pengelola jaminan kesehatan. Rumah sakit perlu melakukan perhitungan biaya pelayanan menggunakan unit cost agar tigak mengalami devisit. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah terciptanya unit cost layanan kasus sectio caesaria serta efisiensinya di RSD Kol Abundjani Bangko. Metode Penelitian merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode cros sectional menggunakan double distribution dan dilajutkan dengan perhitungan RVU, sedangkan efisiensi layanan menggunakan clinical pathway (CP) rumah sakit ditambah tool CP dari FKM-UI. Sampel penelitian adalah pasien sectio caesaria kelas 3 tanpa komplikasi, menggunakan data retrospektif tahun 2017. Hasil Penelitian diperolehnya biaya layanan section caesaria di RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko, ruang rawat VIP Rp6.704.891, kelas I Rp6.491.721, kelas II Rp6.320.449 dan kelas III Rp6.503.920 serta inefisiensi ruang OK/OKE Rp571.754, laboratorium Rp20.105, obat Rp203.608, alkes dan BHP Rp74.084. Kesimpulan diperolehnya unit cost pelayanan sectio caesaria serta inefeisiensinya di RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko.



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