

Public Health Center is the frontline in the basic health services that include non-specialist cases to be solved in this primary health care level. However, a report from BPJS Kesehatan in 2015 showed that there were 11.487 referral of non-specialist cases in Primary Health Cares (PHCs) in Sukabumi. This study was to determine factors associated with high referral rate of National Health Insurance’s members with non-specialist cases by PHCs in Sukabumi in 2015. The study employed cross-sectional design in 58 PHCs along with a general practitioner in each centers using a whole sampling. The result showed that there were correlation between characteristics of the region (P=0,000); adequacy of drug (P=0,040); adequacy of medical devices (P=0,024); and distance from the PHCs to the referral health care facilities (P=0,003) with non-specialist cases referral rate. It is recommended for the PHCs to meet the needs of drugs, medical devices according to the standard, monitor and evaluate the non-specialist referral cases, both from health centers and the Social Security Agency for Health of Sukabumi.

Bahasa Abstract

Puskesmas sebagai garda terdepan dalam pelayanan kesehatan dasar diharuskan menuntaskan kasus-kasus non spesialistik. Namun, data laporan BPJS Kesehatan pada tahun 2015 menunjukkaan adanya 11.487 rujukan kasus non spesialistik dari 58 Puskesmas di Kabupaten Sukabumi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan tingginya rujukan kasus non spesialistik pasien JKN pada puskesmas di Kabupaten Sukabumi tahun 2015. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional, pada sampel 58 Puskesmas dengan satu orang dokter dari setiap Puskesmas dengan menggunakan whole sampling. Hasil analisis data didapatkan ada hubungan antara wilayah (nilai p=0,000); kecukupan obat (nilai p=0,040); kecukupan alat kesehatan (nilai p=0,024) dan jarak puskesmas (nilai p=0,003) dengan rujukan kasus non spesialistik. Perlu adanya pemenuhan obat-obatan, alat kesehatan sesuai standar Puskesmas dan monitoring dan evaluasi rujukan kasus non spesialistik dari Puskesmas dan BPJS Kesehatan.



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