Analysis of unit service performance is very important for the improvement or growth of hospital services. This study discusses the analysis of the performance of the Obstetrics and Gynecology (Obgyn) Polyclinic service at SamMarie Basra Hospital using the Performance Prism method. This type of research is a qualitative study with the aim of getting a picture of stakeholder satisfaction, stakeholder contribution, strategy, process, and capability through in-depth interviews, observation and document review. The results of this study indicate that each stakeholder's satisfaction with the Obgyn Polyclinic's performance has not been maximized because most of the stakeholders' desires and needs have not been met. While the expected contribution of the hospital in terms of growth in visits and loyalty of Obgin patients has not been fulfilled. A number of existing Obgyn polyclinic strategies and those in the planning stage are still unable to improve service performance because the processes and implementation are not yet optimal as in the time management of officers and the process flow is not uniform. While in terms of capabilities, hospitals are still lacking in terms of the number of regulations / policies and human Resources. Overall performance analysis of Obgyn Polyclinic SamMarie Basra Hospital is still on the underperformance scale. It is necessary to improve service performance at the Obgyn Polyclinic so that it can improve service growth.
Bahasa Abstract
Analisis kinerja pelayanan unit merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi peningkatan atau pertumbuhan pelayanan di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini membahas analisis kinerja pelayanan Poliklinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Obgin) di RSIA SamMarie Basra dengan menggunakan metode Performance Prism. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan tujuan mendapat gambaran stakeholder satisfaction, stakeholder contribution, strategi, proses, dan kapabilitas melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kepuasan masing-masing stakeholder terhadap kinerja Poliklinik Obgin belum maksimal karena sebagian besar keinginan dan kebutuhan stakeholder belum terpenuhi. Sementara kontribusi yang diharapkan rumah sakit dari segi pertumbuhan kunjungan dan loyalitas pasien Obgin belum terpenuhi. Sejumlah strategi poliklinik Obgin masih kurang mampu meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan karena proses dan pelaksanaannya belum maksimal seperti pada manajemen waktu petugas dan alur proses yang belum seragam. Sementara dari sisi kapabilitas, rumah sakit masih kurang dalam hal jumlah peraturan/kebijakan dan SDM dalam pelayanan Obgin. Secara keseluruhan analisis kinerja Poliklinik Obgin RSIA SamMarie Basra masih berada pada skala performa kurang. Maka diperlukan perbaikan kinerja pelayanan di Poliklinik Obgin sehingga dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan pelayanan.
Recommended Citation
Sormin, Kristee Grace and Oktamianti, Puput
Jurnal ARSI : Administrasi Rumah Sakit Indonesia: Vol. 8:
1, Article 1.
DOI: 10.7454/arsi.v8i1.4098
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