"Influences of Brand on Hospital Performance and Patient Behavioral Exp" by Yuliani Yuliani


Increasing number of Hospital in Asia at the present triggers hospital to build a marketing strategy. Hospital branding is one of the choosen way for marketing which giving benefits for internal and externals. This study aims to identify the influences of brand on hospital performance and patient behavioral expectations. The research method is literature review with 7 included studies. Research related to branding in the field of healthcare services was searched using valid keywords, including hospital branding, hospital, patient combined with keywords such as the effect dan the influence,dan melalui berbagai database. (mis. Google Scholar, Emerald, Scopus). A total 7 articles were selected to be studied in literature review. From these studies we have managed to categories the influences of brand on hospital performance and patient behavioral expectation and reported on three categories, including the influences of brand on hospital performance, on patient behavioral expectation, and medical team in referral. From these studies we have managed to categorize even practical considerations that is considered as influence of brand on hospital performance and patient behavioral expectation are influence of brand on hospital performance, influence of brand on patient behavioral expectation, Medical team in referral. Increasing number of Hospital in Asia at the present triggers hospital to build a marketing strategy. Hospital branding is one of the choosen way for marketing which giving benefits for internal and externals. This study aims to identify the influences of brand on hospital performance and patient behavioral expectations. The research method is literature review with 7 included studies. Research related to branding in the field of healthcare services was searched using valid keywords, including hospital branding, hospital, patient combined with keywords such as the effect dan the influence,dan melalui berbagai database. (mis. Google Scholar, Emerald, Scopus). A total 7 articles were selected to be studied in literature review. From these studies we have managed to categories the influences of brand on hospital performance and patient behavioral expectation and reported on three categories, including the influences of brand on hospital performance, on patient behavioral expectation, and medical team in referral. From these studies we have managed to categorize even practical considerations that is considered as influence of brand on hospital performance and patient behavioral expectation are influence of brand on hospital performance, influence of brand on patient behavioral expectation, Medical team in referral.

Bahasa Abstract

Peningkatan jumlah rumah sakit di Asia saat ini memicu rumah sakit untuk membangun strategi pemasaran. Branding rumah sakit adalah salah satu cara yang dipilih untuk pemasaran yang memberikan manfaat bagi internal dan eksternal. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh brand terhadap kinerja rumah sakit dan harapan perilaku pasien. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah tinjauan literatur dengan 7 studi yang disertakan. Penelitian terkait branding di bidang layanan kesehatan dicari menggunakan kata kunci yang valid, termasuk branding rumah sakit, rumah sakit, pasien yang dikombinasikan dengan kata kunci seperti efek dan pengaruh, melalui berbagai database (mis. Google Scholar, Emerald, Scopus). Sebanyak 7 artikel dipilih untuk dipelajari dalam tinjauan literatur. Dari studi-studi ini, kami berhasil mengkategorikan pengaruh brand terhadap kinerja rumah sakit dan harapan perilaku pasien serta melaporkan dalam tiga kategori, termasuk pengaruh brand terhadap kinerja rumah sakit, terhadap harapan perilaku pasien, dan tim medis dalam rujukan. Dari studi-studi ini, kami berhasil mengkategorikan bahkan pertimbangan praktis yang dianggap sebagai pengaruh brand terhadap kinerja rumah sakit dan harapan perilaku pasien yaitu pengaruh brand terhadap kinerja rumah sakit, pengaruh brand terhadap harapan perilaku pasien, tim medis dalam rujukan.

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