

Poor planning and controlling of drug in RSUD Cicalengka has resulted excess inventory and potential Hospital losses. This operational research was using ABC Critical Index Analysis Method, Safety Stock, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Reorder Point (ROP). Stock evaluation using Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITOR) was also conducted. The result of ABC Critical Index Analysis showed that were seven antibiotics need to be prioritized. The estimation of antibiotic drug in group A for year 2015 was done using Single Exponential Smoothing Method. Safety stock for Cefadroxil Kaps 500 mg (5x10) as much as 344, EOQ as much as 1476 and ROP as much as 977. The result of ITOR figure was 8.1 and after analysis it was 19.6. The study suggested RSUD Cicalengka to implement planning and controlling of drug in the hospital.

Bahasa Abstract

Persediaan obat di RSUD Cicalengka mengalami kelebihan dan berpotensi menyebabkan kerugian bagi Rumah Sakit akibat perencanaan dan pengendalian yang lemah. Penelitian operasional ini menggunakan Metode ABC indeks kritis, safety stock, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) dan Reorder Point (ROP). Dilakukan pula evaluasi persediaan dengan Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITOR). Hasil analisis ABC Indeks Kritis menemukan tujuh obat antibiotik yang perlu mendapatkan prioritas. Peramalan kebutuhan obat antibiotik Kelompok A tahun 2015 menggunakan Metode Single Eksponential Smoothing. Safety stock untuk Cefadroxil Kaps 500 mg (5x10) sebesar 344, EOQ sebesar 1.476 dan ROP sebesar 977. Hasil perhitungan ITOR adalah 8,1 dan setelah analisis menjadi 19,6. Penelitian ini menyarankan RSUD Cicalengka untuk menerapkan perencanaan dan pengendalian obat di Rumah sakit



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