

Thesis describes the improvement of quality and laboratory services at. Masmitra Hospital through Lean method which aims to create value by reducing errors and waiting time. This study is a qualitative analytical research method by observation, interviews and data analysis to analyze the flow process of laboratory services for ER patients. The results showed that laboratory services at Masmitra Hospital still found delays which is prooven on the Current State Value Stream Map where 39% of the activities are non-value - added and 7 types of waste as well as through the aplication of Lean Tools has created improvement ideas in Future State Value Stream Map where there are only 9 % of non value-added activities in the process. Therefore, the application of the concept of lean thinking is appropriate to improve the quality of laboratory services at Masmitra Hospital

Bahasa Abstract

Tesis ini membahas tentang peningkatan mutu dan pelayanan laboratorium RS. Masmitra adalah melalui metode Lean yang bertujuan menciptakan value dengan cara mengurangi kesalahan dan waktu tunggu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik dengan metode kualitatif dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan telaah data yang bertujuan menganalisis alur proses pelayanan laboratorium pasien UGD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelayanan laboratorium RS Masmitra masih ditemukan keterlambatan yang dibuktikan pada Current State Value Stream Map dimana 39% kegiatan adalah non value-added serta 7 jenis waste serta melalui penerapan Lean Tools diciptakan ide-ide perbaikan dalam bentuk Future State Value Stream Map dimana hanya terdapat 9% kegiatan non value-added pada proses tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penerapan konsep lean thinking sangatlah tepat untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan laboratorium RS.Masmitra.



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