

Characterization of Surface Active Shell Charcoal Nyamplung Seeds (Calophyllum inophyllum Linn). Chemical and physical activation of nyamplung shell with 0%, 5%, and 10% H3PO4 for 60 and 120 minutes has been carried out to prepare activated charcoal. The purpose of this experiment was to look into the characteristic of nyamplung shell activated charcoal surface. Nyamplung shell was carbonized into charcoal, then activated by immersion in H3PO4 solution using 0%, 5% and 10%, for 24 hours, and heated in retort at two temperatures (700 and 800 oC) and two duration (60 and 120 minutes). The material were characterized by fourier transform infra red (FTIR), scaning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The FTIR spectrum show that activated charcoal has OH, C-H, C-O and C=C bonds. The bonds of OH and C-O indicated that the treatment was produced polar activated charcoal. The porous texture was influenced by H3PO4 concentration. The porous with dimension <5 μ being predominant at low concentration of H3PO4 (0% and 5%) but larger amount of H3PO4 (10%) produced wide pore with dimension >5 μ.

Bahasa Abstract

Pembuatan arang aktif secara fisika-kimia dari tempurung nyamplung telah dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan 0%, 5% dan 10% H3PO4 selama 60 dan 120 menit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik permukaan arang aktif tempurung biji nyamplung. Tempurung nyamplung diarangkan, kemudian direndam dalam larutan H3PO4 pada konsentrasi 0%, 5%, dan 10% selama 24 jam. Selanjutnya diaktivasi dalam retort pada suhu 700 oC dan 800 oC selama 60 dan 120 menit. Karakteristik arang aktif tempurung nyamplung diuji menggunakan fourier transform infra red (FTIR), scaning electron microscope (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Spektrum FTIR menunjukkan arang aktif yang dihasilkan memiliki pola serapan dengan jenis ikatan OH, C-H, C-O, dan C=C. Adanya ikatan OH dan C-O menunjukkan bahwa arang aktif yang dihasilkan cenderung bersifat lebih polar. Konsentrasi H3PO4 berpengaruh terhadap tekstur pori yang terbentuk. Pada konsentrasi H3PO4 rendah (5% atau 0%) akan dihasilkan lebih banyak pori yang berukuran kecil, <5 μ, sedangkan pada konsentrasi H3PO4 10% dihasilkan pori yang lebih besar, >5 μ.


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