

This research examines the spatial characteristics of domestic spaces, their use, and adaptations to analyse their changing morphology. It also examines inhabitants' preferences and requirements for the functional utilisation of the interiority of dwellings. Fifteen apartments in Dhaka were analysed to compare the initial design with the later modifications by occupants. The research followed an ethnographical method to depict the lives and experiences of individuals. The research has identified significant changes in activity zoning and their pattern, thus creating a new spatial organisation of the house that is different from the original design. Activity analysis reveals that most spaces are multipurpose; moreover, maintaining segregation and privacy is challenging. Lack of privacy is a significant concern during the alterations. Households are usually the extended type with a large number of members. Hence, this research finds the need for extra rooms within the given space. Another reason for alterations is the need for adequate functional space. A discrepancy exists between the dwelling space design and the actual needs and preferences of the occupants. This discrepancy highlights gaps between the designer's solution and the user demand, which prompts adjustments in the aspirations of the house through modifications and adaptations.

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Authors' Bio

Dilruba Yasmin

Dilruba Yasmin is an architect and educator in Bangladesh. She is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Architecture, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur. Yasmin completed her B. Arch from Khulna University, Bangladesh and M. Arch from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. at The University of Hong Kong. Besides different research works, Yasmin has parallel involvement in professional projects. She specialises in domestic architecture for limited-income groups and is particularly interested in architectural heritage. She also is affiliated with the Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB).

Farida Nilufar

Farida Nilufar is a Professor of Architecture at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). She served as Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning and Head of the Department of Architecture at BUET. She had her Ph.D. from University College London (UCL) in 1997. Her research focuses on urban morphology, urban design and landscape, water urbanism, architectural morphology, building type, and domestic architecture. Her investigations involving Space Syntax have revealed the spatial character of Dhaka city. She has been involved in the International Scientific Board of Water Urbanism, a cahier on Urbanism (Belgium); she also served an Architectural Journal Protibesh (BUET) in the editorial role. She has been working on curriculum development and accreditation for architectural education. She worked as a consultant for Regional Development Plan (RDP) for Dhaka City and was an expert member for urban design and site planning for detail area planning of Dhaka City.

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