

Inhabitants of UK housing have more possessions than ever, whilst space for living in standardised houses is at a premium. The acquisition of material possessions, and how it affects both space and inhabitants’ wellbeing, has not previously been considered in architectural practice or housing policy research fields. This paper addresses this gap, by exploring how practising architects design for the storage of material possessions in housing. For the first time, it places storage practices at the centre of housing design thinking, by engaging practising architects in a design intervention to explore original design solutions that support inhabitants’ lives and lifestyles, and therefore their wellbeing. The study uses a new storage-focused conceptual design framework to seek design knowledge, to better understand how storage practices could be considered when designing. The findings have implications for design practice research, providing an account of how architects consider storage in housing design, drawing on novel design intervention methods.

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Authors' Bio

Elena Marco

Professor Elena Marco studied architecture at the Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya and the University of Bath. She has worked as an architect in Spain and the UK for over 10 years, where she built a strong profile in sustainable design. Now in academia, she continues to develop her research interests, which focus on the crossover between health, sustainability and architecture.

Katie Williams

Professor Katie Williams is an urban theorist, planner and urban designer. She is Director of the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments. Professor Williams specialises in sustainable urban environments and is known for her work on sustainable neighbourhood design, urban form and land reuse. She has undertaken evidence-based critiques of many key urban policies such as sustainable communities and the urban renaissance.

Sonja Oliveira

Dr Sonja Oliviera trained in architecture and has held numerous senior design posts in award winning firms globally. Her research expertise is built on developing new insights in energy simulation and design practice across scales of analysis from policy level, organizational dynamics in implementing new digital technologies in design to household heating practices in low carbon architecture.

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