

A practice of the virtual offers to interior design a dynamic conception of interiority that transcends simplistic representative notions of space, recognising the inseparable relationship of space and time, as well as an understanding of interiority as lived experience and its attendant amenability to active interpretation and therefore design. Ultimately, a practice of the virtual facilitates an understanding of interior as a dynamic and ongoing network of relations, and interior design as individuating participation in this network. In this article, we describe in detail an expanded notion of the virtual, and extrapolate how an understanding of this notion might help shape future interior design practice. We then offer some examples that might help translate these ideas into practice.

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Authors' Bio

Adam Nash

Adam Nash is Associate Professor of Virtual Interior at the Interior Design Discipline, School of Architecture and Urban Design, RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. He specialises in virtual environment design and practice-based research.

Kate Geck

Kate Geck is an Industry Fellow in the Interior Design Discipline, School of Architecture and Urban Design, RMIT University. She is also presently a PhD candidate in the RMT School of Design with a practice-based research project exploring atmospheric and material encounters across extended reality thresholds.

Andy Miller

Andy Miller is an Associate Lecturer and coordinator of the technologies stream within the Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours) program at RMIT University. Andy is a practice-based researcher who explores relationships between ecological thinking, ways of making and ways of being.

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